Monday, February 21, 2011

Nascar Racing 2003 Wrong Cd Inserted

La casa editrice Compagnie delle Lettere ( ) nasce con la vocazione della letteratura della migrazione.

Quando è uscito il comunicato stampa per annunciare la nascita di questa raccolta di racconti, più di una persona mi ha detto: perchè ci sei anche tu? non sei migrante.

L’antologia si chiama "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes" and by the March First Movement ( ).

I'm not migrant and neither are some other people who write to me in this anthology, some are, others are just because Italy is to stick a label that does not want them: this is the migration and this is the answer.
Migration is made up of movements and passages, of modifications and changes, the labels change.
Today we know that migration is no longer only one that leaves for America with the cardboard suitcase in his hand - perhaps partly for a green Swedish University that offers fabulous benefits unimaginable in Italy for the privilege of having part of his intelligence or for Africa to do research social field or a cultivated field with environmentally sustainable methods ever faced by our country.
And we know that sometimes the immigrant was born here and shares our Italian team (so that there is a net concept), but the laws are not ready, poor, to say Italian, and sometimes are foreign born from parents of different nationalities who have traveled and discovered places and cultures before settling in Italy, and carries himself first and then the sum of everything which is, sometimes born in a nomadic village, in a bustling Asian metropolis, sometimes studied, sometimes did not have do, sometimes started by choice, by air and the fine clothes, and sometimes ran away and no one can really tell what he went through.
And we were born, raised, fed by this air and earth, we have changed: we are no longer those of our parents' generation, migration is in our blood, one can never be free, and we can all have something to say.

's what this anthology, the patient work of selection and collection of stories of "literature of migration" of a group of people, and scrittirici writers, poets and writers, scholars and even amateurs Hanoi in common that they have something to say about the migration.
Something important, that not anticipate the details of each because it would be like telling the end of the film.
Something that is not even the usual banal, deployment, stories, photographs of immigrants, more or less tragic, more or less complicated: there is here in the flesh, heart, thought and action, there is a whole new company .
Read it.

The stories are Julio Monteiro Martins, George Nardi, Christiana de Caldas Brito, Savina Dolores Massa, Michael Zizzi, Claudiléia Lemes Dias, Aurora Filiberto Hernandez, Paolo Piccoli, Lorenzo Mazzoni, Kathiusca Toala Olivares, Guergana shaved, Irina Serban, Enrica Boffetta , Flore Murard-Yovanovitch, Ingy Mubiayi, Alfredo Chiatello, Cristina Sebastiani, Simone Silva, Antonio Pires, Judicael Ouango Kiswendsida.

find it March 1, 2011 in major Italian cities at the national event sponsored by the March First Movement "24 hours without us", and in bookstores.

(Article originally published by


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