Friday, March 11, 2011

Mount&blade Trainer 1.003

L'urlo !


Terremoto e paura in Giappone La gente in strada. Allarme tsunami: onda da 10 metri . Migliaia i morti. Interrotti i collegamenti aerei e ferroviari, Paese in tilt.”

La notizia è di oggi e consuete For me, every time are the reactions of the soul. We are perched on this globe and we are worried constantly (some more, some less) we think there smart. In the animal kingdom is undoubtedly higher. So what are you waiting for to prove it? Natural phenomena and diseases are not enough?

No, clearly considering the hatred that constantly meanders and polluters. So we build lethal weapons, landmines and destructive weapons of all kinds. Without shame, stubbornly. How we use our superiority, our intelligence, our free will ?

I do not find answers, but I look with gratitude to the numerous ranks of the Righteous among us who work with generous altruism and hope in their quiet and steady force that has allowed so far, the ' balance of this human disaster.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Masturabting With G'f On Phone

L'uomo è un animale socievole, che detesta i suoi simili.

Free ... March 12, 2011 ----------------------------------

insisted I wonder if humanity will ever find peace. We Italians, since we have always been a relatively remote Guelphs and Ghibellines, the Montagues and Capulets and came to the current struggles of "right and left." We will change that?

Perhaps the competitive spirit is stronger aspiration and the common good-if I stop to think - I conclude that, in practice, is the lack of intelligence that determines the behavior!

fact, if I can envisage a world of people and available collaborative looming really a vision of paradise. But Heaven is not here ... .(;-(

OK - are two in the morning and it's better that I go back to bed. Perhaps I can at least dream about a better world. Who knows?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laser Eyetreatment Hyderabad

Chi dice donna, dice danno !

Who says a woman says "damage".
E (unknowingly) puts it well! fact
give life
give hope
give courage
give comfort
and give themselves to love ...!
Congratulations ladies!