Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blood Debt Tanya Huff Read Online

roots and leaves and high heels

I do not wear heels, I knew that, in short, information is needed, do not you?
not appear, but behind this shocking news there a lot.
do not wear heels or tight jeans and even
red lace push up manufacturing Chinese
(nor any other company, really)
I feel sexy as they are, indeed sers once said chuckling as his grandmother Magda
thinking about what is sexy is not one of the main my day, let's face
even the thought of what the eye of my husband is satisfied is one of the top of my day, or how happy his mouth, his repose, his pleasure, his social pride
are not sexy and are not a geisha
absurd assertion that my friends are thinking about the feminist claim that
selfish thinking are the most My friends claim that Senegalese
snobs are considering the wonderful pin-up performed by the body and the infectious laugh
no, wait, here you do not even think in subtraction and is talked of Truth.
all that I need to talk about respect and acceptance, it was not clear?
I have my beliefs and my story, and eventually came out well, not at all sexy or sexy as I say, does the same.
and my husband does not watch movies with me
not because I do not propose to him lingerie, but because he is not someone who watches movies
nor one that offers you a stroll hand in hand or
is in stanza a spettegolare
o che goda, al pensiero di una cena con gli amici, della preparazione dei piatti, la scelta del vino, del pane con i semi, dei tovaglioli in tinta o dei lumini antichi

io non giro per casa in bethio e djal djalli , non chiamo sua madre ogni settimana, non sto zitta se ho qualcosa da dire, non gli faccio trovare le camicie stirate né suppokanja fumante
lui non distingue uno chardonnay da un merlot, dorme la mattina di capodanno mentre io ascolto il concerto da Vienna, gli si chiudono gli occhi se gli leggo Yourcenar, sbatte la porta di casa piuttosto che discuss

did you ever think, when it reflects the mixed pairs, what is really differences?
I chose an educated man, graduated in one of the best universities in Africa and has been able to travel in Europe with an eye that captures the essence of people, assures me that stability that has received an education very similar to mine As to values, very different from what my everyday life.
he chose an intelligent woman, independent and alert, with just enough exotic as to be sexy and feminine as much to satisfy his need for incentives and pressures, with an education very similar to what his values, very different than the everyday.

sometimes I see us all hanging on his computer in the room became a studio for both, or hidden behind his personal interests, maybe we do not speak to each other for a whole day and I think that's great, that autonomy, which respect: I think there is cartel that even in silence, space and personnel available to me of which I am grateful.

sometimes makes me sad, I seem to be one of those sit-com of the bourgeois American family where you do not have anything to share.

easy to talk about the pass (depth) of the other and its desires, as easy as writing on paper of chocolates - is less easy for me to bear weight on a daily basis.

since I met Baba I feel like a teenager at that stage in life where everything changes and seems so hostile and threatening because you no longer have any certainty as a child and not yet as an adult, and everything is both attractive and fascinating and exciting because it opens roads, opportunities and news.
and I'm finally an adult, because I chose to have someone to do this next growth path.

when he was away I thought I wonder if the will to do yoga with me .
now I do yoga alone, but I find dinner ready every night and a rose on the table, I read Lillian Helmann and comment with a friend, but I'm part of a life project that is taking root and leaves.
then perhaps I can do without high heels, what do you think?


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