Monday, February 28, 2011

Saw Game How Does The First Trap Work

La speranza ! Tenace, costruttiva e sempiterna.

Giornale di Brescia - March 2, 2011
Free ......................... March 2, 2011
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To all the people disappointed and disheartened I would like to have an injection of hope, because there are concrete reasons and they talk about evolution. Appeals demonstrate that the historical contribution of those who believed in the improvement and has struggled to get it, was crucial for subsequent results.
A long way to commemorate the abolition of slavery that with the rebellion of the oppressed, and the uprising of a people, brought up the unthinkable result of allowing access by a black man in the White House. The end of colonialism, and now West women's empowerment, women's suffrage, the abolition of the "honor killing" the right to education and other social gains are important to show that you can improve.
The clear aspiration to 'abolition of the dictatorship in our history Recently, part of a major social change. Much remains to be done, but the contribution of blood offered by those who have believed and believe a better future, calls for respect and a lot collaborative trust.
And I, a young octogenarian, I wish a decent and livable future for young men of today and tomorrow. And we will just die if you do not leave hope.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

21st Birthday Money Poems

Una desolata preghiera per Yara.

The Associated Press - 1 March 2011

Bresciaoggi - March 2, 2011

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The discovery of the corpse of Yara brings back my firmly held beliefs and settles them. I believe that there are "bad apples" and I wonder - if the perpetrators were tracked down - how can society, thinking to engage with their recovery?

not express a need for revenge, but only a dutiful sense of objectivity. You can not think that is recoverable, the criminals who have prevailed on a terrified little girl, innocent and defenseless.

What do you want to recover? What to retrieve? One can only hope that these monsters are found and removed forever from our streets and our lives. In defense of our young people, children, grandchildren and protection of the anguished parents .


Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Hack Pokemon Deluge

Figli eternamente a carico ?

The Associated Press - February 28, 2011
Bresciaoggi - March 10, 2011 ------------------------

What the children should be kept, though - even if students fuoricorso over thirty years - not training is a good principle, but that's what the law requires. But taxation should refer to the fact that parents are poor.

Otherwise it is clear that work, a contemporary study requires adaptability, but offers economic independence. and does not preclude the possibility of attaining a rewarding goal.

With sacrifice, all right, but others have done with satisfactory conclusions. Studying drawn, however, sacrifices and their parents, it seems compelling and deeply unfair. I cried all my tears when I had to abandon their studies prematurely and face the world of work, but if at the time there was a law so broadly today protect the interest of children (given the family background) I chosen certainly not benefit from it. And even today, this possibility relates to the choices that gravitate in the subjective "conscience".


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Geovison 8.3 Letöltés

studio photographer, a show in Milan tomorrow will

Fototracce Cultural Association is pleased to invite you at the opening of the exhibition Mama Casset studio photographer to be held Monday, March 7, 2011 at 19:00 at the Milan Triennale.
Mama Casset studio photographer is part of "Made in Africa. textures, colors, shapes of a continent" organized by Looks Elsewhere Film Festival, an event dedicated to Africa with exhibitions, installations, workshops and screenings will be held at the Triennale Milan from 7th to March 27th, 2011 . The project

Mama Casset studio photographer is dedicated to the figure and work of photographer Mama Casset of Senegal (1908-1992), considered at the international level one of the first and most important representatives of Senegal and African stock. It consists of a selection of photographs Mama Casset, portraits of studio priceless beauty that can help you understand unusual Africa, told by a look from inside and involved, and the video "BELLES TOUJOURS fashion and beauty in the photographs of Mama Casset (Fototracce-Ethnos realization in collaboration with the family Casset) which proposes a reflection on the relationship between fashion and photography through evidence gathered in Dakar.


Mama Casset was born in Saint Louis in 1908. In 1918 he moved with his family in Dakar, where only twelve years began working as an assistant at the office of French photographer Oscar Lataque. In 1925 he entered the compartment
Photo dell'AOF (Afrique Française West) and realizes for the French Air Force aerial photographs and reports of French-speaking.
In 1943, he left the army, opened in the Medina neighborhood of Dakar, the African Photo his studio, which soon became one of the studies of the busiest and most fashionable city. Mama Casset engaged in the business as a portrait painter until the eighties when, because of an eye disease, becoming progressively blind.
died in 1992, just months before the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to him at the Mois de la Photo in Dakar.
His work is widely recognized internationally and his photographs have been exhibited worldwide at prestigious exhibitions.

The people come to study at parties, weddings, christenings or just to have a photograph taken by Mama Casset. In a few years become one of the studies African Photo busiest and most fashionable city.
is the great age of the photographic portrait of Study: For the first time photography,
perceived until then as a technical "foreign" instrument of control and coercion, is reinterpreted in a style and sensibility Senegalese, making it in effect "African art" to which confer a new and independent representation of their identity.
Before going to the pictures of women wearing their best clothes, jewelry and accessories
most valuable hair system with elaborate hairstyles, makeup, and you smell

Mama Casset is then to place each to enhance the detail of each figure. In structuring the scene in fact nothing is left to chance and poses created by Mama Casset become models of a real iconography of the portrait, which has had great success and spread throughout Senegal. Central in the frame are the eyes and the posture of hands and frequent use of the diagonal that breaks the stillness of the composition, restoring strength and dynamism to the subject portrayed.
His black and white prints are still hanging on the walls of the houses of Dakar and is an asset of paramount importance not only for the memory of families, but also for the history of Senegalese society in the years of independence
( 1960) marked by a rich cultural ferment politico e sociale.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Do U Program A Nortel Bcm 400?

La gestione RAI ci riguarda !

The Associated Press - February 23, 2011 ---------------------------------
I paid in time, the fee and do it diligently since 1955. with due respect the old "tit for tat", but in recent years, fulfill the duty, very reluctantly, and this year, with a true sense of discomfort with a spendthrift RAI, who gives exorbitant premiums in many games and entertainment, and in the general management shows deficiencies which lead to the deficit.

You will not be considered a more responsible and prudent management we can expect a fee increase or an invasion of advertising already massively present. It 's a really disappointing outlook.
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Pulmonary Fibrosis, China

Ricordo sorridente del nostro passato.

The Associated Press - February 24, 2011
Free .... February 24, 2011 -------------------------------------

regret The past water fresh streams, raising hands together in bowl, fresh and pure. The clear air of the mountains, the air smelling of our lush countryside. The races on foot from home to school, the streets safe and semi-desert, the strenuous pedaling from town to the lake, bike, with a snack in the little bag hanging from the handlebars, the first night out in the spring for the frequency functions for the parish in May.

Ma, sopratutto rimpiango - per ragioni egoistiche - le seggioline fuori dalla porta di casa, che dava sul cortìle, dove i vecchi guardavano la vita svolgersi davanti ai loro occhi che mal celavano il sorriso.

Di oggi apprezzo la tecnologia che alleggerisce a tutti il lavoro, amo il computer che è una finestra sul mondo, ma mi piacerebbe sentire meno astiosità intorno a noi e vorrei percepire un po’ di amore nell’atmosfera che ci circonda e che fosse questo, il vero scopo del progredire.

Nascar Racing 2003 Wrong Cd Inserted

La casa editrice Compagnie delle Lettere ( ) nasce con la vocazione della letteratura della migrazione.

Quando è uscito il comunicato stampa per annunciare la nascita di questa raccolta di racconti, più di una persona mi ha detto: perchè ci sei anche tu? non sei migrante.

L’antologia si chiama "will be tomorrow and will have your eyes" and by the March First Movement ( ).

I'm not migrant and neither are some other people who write to me in this anthology, some are, others are just because Italy is to stick a label that does not want them: this is the migration and this is the answer.
Migration is made up of movements and passages, of modifications and changes, the labels change.
Today we know that migration is no longer only one that leaves for America with the cardboard suitcase in his hand - perhaps partly for a green Swedish University that offers fabulous benefits unimaginable in Italy for the privilege of having part of his intelligence or for Africa to do research social field or a cultivated field with environmentally sustainable methods ever faced by our country.
And we know that sometimes the immigrant was born here and shares our Italian team (so that there is a net concept), but the laws are not ready, poor, to say Italian, and sometimes are foreign born from parents of different nationalities who have traveled and discovered places and cultures before settling in Italy, and carries himself first and then the sum of everything which is, sometimes born in a nomadic village, in a bustling Asian metropolis, sometimes studied, sometimes did not have do, sometimes started by choice, by air and the fine clothes, and sometimes ran away and no one can really tell what he went through.
And we were born, raised, fed by this air and earth, we have changed: we are no longer those of our parents' generation, migration is in our blood, one can never be free, and we can all have something to say.

's what this anthology, the patient work of selection and collection of stories of "literature of migration" of a group of people, and scrittirici writers, poets and writers, scholars and even amateurs Hanoi in common that they have something to say about the migration.
Something important, that not anticipate the details of each because it would be like telling the end of the film.
Something that is not even the usual banal, deployment, stories, photographs of immigrants, more or less tragic, more or less complicated: there is here in the flesh, heart, thought and action, there is a whole new company .
Read it.

The stories are Julio Monteiro Martins, George Nardi, Christiana de Caldas Brito, Savina Dolores Massa, Michael Zizzi, Claudiléia Lemes Dias, Aurora Filiberto Hernandez, Paolo Piccoli, Lorenzo Mazzoni, Kathiusca Toala Olivares, Guergana shaved, Irina Serban, Enrica Boffetta , Flore Murard-Yovanovitch, Ingy Mubiayi, Alfredo Chiatello, Cristina Sebastiani, Simone Silva, Antonio Pires, Judicael Ouango Kiswendsida.

find it March 1, 2011 in major Italian cities at the national event sponsored by the March First Movement "24 hours without us", and in bookstores.

(Article originally published by

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Turtle Bay Resort Grocery Market

Tentato stupro ai danni di una undicenne.

Five minors aged between 14 and 16 years were attacked, beaten and stripped of a little girl only eleven years. The fact is occurred January 22, 2011 on the outskirts of Cal (three Naples and Caserta)

Fortunately, the cries of the young victim to have avoided that sexual violence was consumed by the herd . The baby-band formed by five minor was placed under arrest, but what we are asked, earnestly, and how this could happen.

What do you think, to ask in a loud voice severe and exemplary punishment blatantly advertised? I think this may be a deterrent or you think it can not intervene with the rigor that the event requires?

To ask this is worth to invade the streets and defend daughters and grandchildren or even fragile children from the fury of the criminal pack.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Are Formula Fed Babies More Constipated

hearts elastic

borrow from Clare Barison, a new piece on the separation and elastic on the heart of women and men who live in countries emigration, a beautiful piece.
but it is not only a matter of emigration, we are a migrant people, and we say "out of sight out of mind"
in Africa do not say, do not you think, this proverb does not exist.

[...] No, no country had held me down like Senegal. And it is here in this land that I thought about the separation. Selfish impose my joints but poorly tolerated those who love you. Live departures with pain, tears that heal slowly tearing. And my Senegal, made by special people that could not be without them. Yes, this really is the place for selfish minds. People can not leave. The Senegalese have the right to travel like us. In many cases they will be forced to imprisonment within their own borders. No. I'm not the only one selfish. There are a lot of Europeans here are selfish, fragile, with a strong possibility to leave at any time, but sure that the world will be built there, still, where it was built. Employee a sense of our presence or our absence. Then the Senegalese love, share, gioiscono, soffrono e poi vedono partire e tornare e ancora partire e poi tornare e ripartire e mai più tornare. Il cuore, diventato ormai elastico, si contrae e si rilassa. Qui non è permesso soffrire per una separazione, per un viaggio, altrimenti sei destinato a morire. Qui si vive la speranza. La speranza che tanto prima o poi chi parte tornerà; che la persona amata continui ad amare per tutto il tempo della sua assenza; che magari un giorno aiuterà anche l'amato a partire; che un lieto fine, cazzo, quello sì dovrà arrivare. Rimane il telefono e poi Skype. Gli appuntamenti sono di fronte ad un PC e sempre con il cuore in gola, troppa la paura che non vi sia corrente o che dall'altra parte del telefono la persona non risponda or to respond to say: "Sorry but it's better if you do your life." What an ugly twist of fate end up being born in a country where you are forced into captivity. And the Senegalese, as prisoners, looking out the bars and dream, imagine distant places and different lives and ponder endless escape routes free from the bondage of hoping, to discover, learn, hoping to find loved ones far away or, more simply, their themselves. And then, as in prison, there are visits, loved ones, free, arriving at times to get hot, time for a while and then off again. And waiting for the Senegalese daily and live apart. Anxiety and stifling sobs and tears in closed rooms with old wrapped in colorful veils that caress teen faces saying that this is normal, that sooner or later people will return. And 'no, fuck, this is not normal. There is nothing normal in this slow and prolonged pain.
Again, be selfish, I always wanted my own little world Senegalese remained unchanged over time, people and places to stay there where I left them on every departure because, after all, was not even saying that I loved in Senegal, but the people who I had met who had made this place magical and special. And yet, year after year, as a Senegalese, I was confronted with unexpected departures and separations and separations. And I did not understand anything at first. Joy of people to flee, preparing for a trip, often hidden, and the slow, grueling countdown toward that day when I would see from a friend knowing that maybe I would not see again. Those who leave often can not return, will be the fate for him to decide if and when. In the worst cases, no one says anything, just a phone call, like Aly, "Hello Chiara, I Aly. I am in Belgium. I wanted to tell you that you were one of the people that I wanted any more. Do not forget you ". And my astonishment, but how, Aly, one of my dearest friends, we laughed together yesterday and today as a Sandaga, how can you call me and tell me that you're gone and I never understood anything mentre tu stavi preparando la fuga? E' dura. E penso allora a chi lo vive quotidianamente, alle madri, ai padri, alle fidanzate. Che dolore maggiore sarebbe stato se Aly, invece che un amico, fosse stato il mio promesso sposo? Come avrei potuto sopravvivere la notte? Questo è il Senegal. E questa l'ingiustizia taciuta, quotidiana, normale che invece non è normale. E i senegalesi accettano e mandano giù e accolgono e covano la rabbia dentro il loro cuore, per chi viene ed è libero e che poi magari se ne innamorano pure, di chi viene, del bianco e sono costretti pure a dover giustificare il loro amore dalle paure paranoiche di chi pensa sia solo per interesse, dalla gelosia, dall'invidia, dalla partenza di chi si ama e che ancora, magari, preso dalla paura di una fuga dell'altro, scappa prima che sia troppo tardi. Tanti europei egoisti sono stati accolti in Senegal, uomini e donne che non vogliono liberare gli amati per paura di scoprire se l'amore che li lega sia vero o meno, accecati dalla paura che chi si ama scappi, finalmente liberato da un permesso di soggiorno tanto atteso.  [...]

Dakarlicious è il blog di Chiara

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Samantha 38g Freeones Board

Dare un senso alla vita.

The Associated Press - February 19, 2011
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La scomparsa delle gemelline, la sparizione di Yara, la cattiveria, la disonestà, le calamità naturali, le guerre sono eccessivamente presenti nella mente di un giovane che mi parla del suo disagio, della sua sfiducia, della sua fragilità. E io, posso soltanto provare a trasmettergli il mio pensiero, rivolgendomi a lui, così :

“”Sai che cosa ho imparato, vivendo così a lungo ? Ho learned that life, casinos and beauty of life, must be accepted. Because life is what it is and not what we want. Humanity is evil and unmanageable for the middle and the other half, admirable and good. This is it!

We, after choosing which side, we can do our part with dignity, respect and possibly helping others. Everyone will do as he can. With a smile, with a little 'availability, but it is not constantly thinking about what is irremediable that we will resolve our problems or those of others.

Siamo come formichine che non possono cambiare le regole della foresta, ma noi possiamo aiutarci, con quell' amore che abbiamo dentro e che non deve essere disperso.

Questo convincimento, mi ha aiutato a non lasciare spazio allo sconforto che offusca la mente, ci priva dell'obiettività e distorce il senso vero della vita che non deve essere vissuta inutilmente. Noi, singolarmente e insieme, possiamo e dobbiamo darle un senso“”-

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Salomon Boot Moulding

Un'adolescente, chiede "una riforma moralizzatrice !"


A student, with the assistance of a letter published today by La Stampa , heartfelt calls a "reform moralizing."

But, we understand the meaning implicit in a recall of this kind that we receive from a 'teenager?

we all want, think about this evidence? Martina Marzocchi claiming "the right to study quietly "and says verbatim " all have to get to work to build a democratic Italy and not naughty, we have heard a lot of jokes . "

At this draws a lot of responsibility , a girl of 15 years, High School II, Naples.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Dvd Multichannal-plug -in Nero 7

Buon San Valentino a tutti. by cesare lanza 14/2/2911
Courier, ssa Schelotto ......... .....15/2/2011
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Who participated in the daily gear,

who pursues success,

who is a victim of stress,

for those looking for a job,

who struggle every day to build a future,

to the weary and disappointed and does not believe in anything,

to those who thoughtlessly selfish

who do not stop to think,

to those who are suffering and those who live feli a moment there,

put on the table this 'reminder':

February 14 is Valentine's Day, the day of 'Love! So ... given something important ... gives you something!

A closer look, a thought more grateful, a conscious impulse of the heart ... a bit 'of concern for those who move in your area. Leaves emerge because no gratitude, in love, is due. This will comfort you when you get out of work by gear, when you've achieved success, when the stress will give you rest, when you find a job, when you've given back room for hope, when you understand that selfishness is not rewarding, when you lodge to think, when you see that a smile can relieve pain, when the happy moment will belong to the memories.

At that moment you find yourself in my hands all that you have been able to give.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Raven Riley In Las Vegas

Selam Ethiopian specialties

Mila, eritrea dagli occhi grandi sta in cucina, indaffaratissima, ma trova il tempo di venire a salutare facendomi sentire come una sorpresa da lungo attesa, in the hands warm and dry and shake mine.
Gherry, her husband, Ethiopian, calm and attentive, welcomes guests.
Last night I ate the best zighinì ever, I tasted an excellent cabernet and I got wrapped in the warmth of this peaceful place like home.

Selam, is being 12 Broggi, Milan, between Piazza and Piazza Lima Oberdan but on the opposite side of the course, just outside the Ethiopian-Eritrean district.
There is not much passing, and that's why I write about it, because otherwise you happen to go there and would be a shame.
Mila and Gerry are in Italy for many years, their children, Sara and Daniel, were born here.
They had to work hard to detect and make this a better restaurant, which has existed for some time without ever having had the quality that they were able to simply give him.
Daniel has just returned from a trip to Ethiopia, went to discover its roots with adult eyes, returned with a full belly and a new self-confidence.
Sarah, beautiful like a god, but as firm as the earth and all in their twenties, seeking employment in the United States as an au pair , to enroll and study at the University there, as too many brain drain Italy.
a mixed family.
A family on the go.
A family feeds, the most important job in the world, the most profound act of love that exists.
A place where you feel for a moment of belonging to something, even if everything around you moves and changes.
Just a large plate of enameled iron, a generous base of injera, the heaps of vegetables, potatoes, peppers, beans lentils herbs, sauces and three types of white and red zighinì lamb and beef spicy berbere spice juicy tasty to eat with your hands, licking his fingers without being seen.
the photo is desperate and this design link found the recipe for the zighinì

The rest you find out for yourself, but please, do not risk not go there at least once, you really lose something.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Talk In Poptropica

Le cattive ragazze.

The Associated Press - February 14, 2011 (If you do well escort reviews)
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Bad girls should not be judged nor acquitted, but commiserate. Instead, change names, become escort and are invited to televised debates.

It is in this 'point of view that the' activities of these girls become recklessly proposals as solutions to the problems of living, in the eyes of the labile part of young viewers.

Possibile che gli organi d’informazione (specialmente quelli televisivi) non colgano la pericolosità del loro operare ?

Non sarebbe opportuno dare invece spazio ad esempi migliori ? I comportamenti lodevoli dovrebbero ritrovare spazio per fornire esempi e dirottare alcuni comportamenti tutt’altra direzione.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Internet Fax Malaysia

Quattro bambini rom, uccisi dal fumo e dal fuoco.

The Associated Press - February 10, 2011
Free ........ 9 February 2011
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The story of four Roma children victims of company and fire, the reaction was immediate and united in grief, but there were also expressions of condemnation of the parents blamed for the abandonment.

But I can not forget that, those parents probably were - in turn - Roma children, perhaps trained to beg, even subjected to violence. People are the result of their experiences, their experience will be different and I believe that an adult who has a past, calmly and deprivation by an adult who bears the scars of a difficult childhood.

How can you judge without knowing all the elements. I really do not feel well because from my privileged situation in some way and then come back to my gaze chilled women begging with children sleeping in the arms that are - instead - drug addicts.

Those children, even in this violent and innocent, who will become adults? There is so much moral misery and the real world! I think of those children died of suffocation from smoke and flames, as we all are suffering and anguish, but I think that "guilt" go well beyond the familiar.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Rent Snowmobiles Illinois

Per una Italia unita.

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La Stampa has been retained by three students of 16 years, high school, Antonio Gramsci, Ivrea, the'editoriale readers today that, even with the title which I transcribe, expresses the sense of their feelings.

"The candle n.150 p iccola and frightened, waiting to be turned on (and off) to us young people. Let's do it, with the breath of our legitimate desires to have a future here! "

But no less significant is the conclusion that expresses the intense and touching words Mauro Rostagno, a journalist killed by the Mafia in Turin September 26, 1988 :

"We do not want to find a place in this society, but to create a society where it's worth finding a place '

In support of their legitimate hopes, I applaud the courage, hope and commitment of today's young players in the Italy of tomorrow that promises with these wonderful expressions of confidence, to be better.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blood Debt Tanya Huff Read Online

roots and leaves and high heels

I do not wear heels, I knew that, in short, information is needed, do not you?
not appear, but behind this shocking news there a lot.
do not wear heels or tight jeans and even
red lace push up manufacturing Chinese
(nor any other company, really)
I feel sexy as they are, indeed sers once said chuckling as his grandmother Magda
thinking about what is sexy is not one of the main my day, let's face
even the thought of what the eye of my husband is satisfied is one of the top of my day, or how happy his mouth, his repose, his pleasure, his social pride
are not sexy and are not a geisha
absurd assertion that my friends are thinking about the feminist claim that
selfish thinking are the most My friends claim that Senegalese
snobs are considering the wonderful pin-up performed by the body and the infectious laugh
no, wait, here you do not even think in subtraction and is talked of Truth.
all that I need to talk about respect and acceptance, it was not clear?
I have my beliefs and my story, and eventually came out well, not at all sexy or sexy as I say, does the same.
and my husband does not watch movies with me
not because I do not propose to him lingerie, but because he is not someone who watches movies
nor one that offers you a stroll hand in hand or
is in stanza a spettegolare
o che goda, al pensiero di una cena con gli amici, della preparazione dei piatti, la scelta del vino, del pane con i semi, dei tovaglioli in tinta o dei lumini antichi

io non giro per casa in bethio e djal djalli , non chiamo sua madre ogni settimana, non sto zitta se ho qualcosa da dire, non gli faccio trovare le camicie stirate né suppokanja fumante
lui non distingue uno chardonnay da un merlot, dorme la mattina di capodanno mentre io ascolto il concerto da Vienna, gli si chiudono gli occhi se gli leggo Yourcenar, sbatte la porta di casa piuttosto che discuss

did you ever think, when it reflects the mixed pairs, what is really differences?
I chose an educated man, graduated in one of the best universities in Africa and has been able to travel in Europe with an eye that captures the essence of people, assures me that stability that has received an education very similar to mine As to values, very different from what my everyday life.
he chose an intelligent woman, independent and alert, with just enough exotic as to be sexy and feminine as much to satisfy his need for incentives and pressures, with an education very similar to what his values, very different than the everyday.

sometimes I see us all hanging on his computer in the room became a studio for both, or hidden behind his personal interests, maybe we do not speak to each other for a whole day and I think that's great, that autonomy, which respect: I think there is cartel that even in silence, space and personnel available to me of which I am grateful.

sometimes makes me sad, I seem to be one of those sit-com of the bourgeois American family where you do not have anything to share.

easy to talk about the pass (depth) of the other and its desires, as easy as writing on paper of chocolates - is less easy for me to bear weight on a daily basis.

since I met Baba I feel like a teenager at that stage in life where everything changes and seems so hostile and threatening because you no longer have any certainty as a child and not yet as an adult, and everything is both attractive and fascinating and exciting because it opens roads, opportunities and news.
and I'm finally an adult, because I chose to have someone to do this next growth path.

when he was away I thought I wonder if the will to do yoga with me .
now I do yoga alone, but I find dinner ready every night and a rose on the table, I read Lillian Helmann and comment with a friend, but I'm part of a life project that is taking root and leaves.
then perhaps I can do without high heels, what do you think?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Love Money 2 Necklace

L'utilità to live honestly.

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Living honestly is still natural and rewarding for many.

confirmed by the fact that my reflection on the theme - posted on this blog on 29 January and also published on several newspapers - led to a joyous sharing with externalized through numerous telephone calls to me were received, of course very welcome.

Here, there were no feedback (neither for nor against), but I really hope that this is due to laziness and failure to share. This is what I like to believe.

Good weekend, affectionately, at all. Muccino


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Make Mini Motion Detector


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I can not find words to comment on the Morning of the instant grain, which has the title "no longer served " and refers to the killing coldly planned c ent husky killed in Canada in Vancouver. squalor of the event, faces to mind an old aphorism that says

"One day, a dog was about to be awarded the title of most intelligent animal in creation. But it turned out ... .. man he trusted. And he lost his job. "

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