The good news is that my husband has had a residence permit valid for five years (oops, it's called Charter).
And that was in a day.
happens too.
Under ' article 10 of Legislative Decree no. 30, 2007, the non-EU spouse of an Italian citizen if he wants to reside e lavorare in Italia chiede la "Carta di Soggiorno per famigliari di un cittadino dell'Unione Europea" (si chiama così e non va confusa con il "Permesso di soggiorno CE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo - ex Carta di Soggiorno).
Noi ci siamo sposati in Senegal , abbiamo fatto registrare il matrimonio in Italia e poi mio marito ha chiesto un visto di ingresso.
Una volta arrivato in Italia, entro 8 gg la legge gli impone di presentarsi all'Autorità di Pubblica Sicurezza per denunciare la propria presenza e per chiedere il permesso di soggiornare.
Per farne richiesta è necessario che entrambi i coniugi si rechino alla Questura Ufficio Stranieri, portando con sè il proprio documento di identità (carta di identità per il cittadino italiano, passaporto per il cittadino non italiano), e due fotocopie per ciascuno degli stessi, il certificato di matrimonio emesso dal Comune di Residenza e due fotocopie, la dichiarazione di ospitalità e la dichiarazione di presenza in originale più due fotocopie, una marca da bollo da 14,62, tre fotografie formato tessera.
Quindi io e il mio coniuge siamo andati, morti di freddo, alla Questura di Milano, Ufficio Stranieri, sede di via Montebello 26, a fare la coda alle 5,30 della mattina - faceva freddissimo, il 27 dicembre, un signore egiziano dietro di noi non ha smesso di parlare una attimo: senza il conforto delle brioches alle scaglie di mandorle del bar a fianco dell'Ambasciata American I would not have ever made! At 7:30
are distributed numbers and waits for us on the 1st floor, that you try to doze a bit 'to turn or to read knowing that the wait will be long.
At about 12.30 we were able to approach the counter, a bit 'annoyed at being awakened from a dream that had become despite our deep, by a voice calling imperiously our numbers, but then delivered the papers, we had wait for the connecting of the lower floor, photo-office, lemme lemme come back from the break beyond the 14.00.
o'clock, to optimize, I went to the grocery store to Carreforu Street Moscow, I had people to dinner! and then I re-introduced Police in a semi-desert with my shopping bags as a distraught housewife and the tail has been enriched with perfumes.
Meanwhile, one of the officers was on and off the photo-to our door, trying to tear down his stomach very slowly with very few results, and delivering a residence permit every hour.
At 16.30 we came out victorious, holding a sheet of thick paper, yellow watermark, which certifies the right for my husband to stay in Italy for the next five years.
Anyone who has to do a little 'with the Police know that for some years now it is one thing to know that under the decree bla bla spouse calls, and another account is that the spouse gets .
Usually you pass the first day (including the tail from 5.30 am) to find the information above.
But it's not difficult, I say once the: to request it is necessary that both spouses will bear the Police Foreign Office, bringing with them their identity card (ID card for Italian citizens, passport for non-citizen Italian), and two copies for each of them, the marriage certificate issued by the Municipality of Residence and two copies for the declaration of hospitality and the declaration of presence in the original plus two copies for a stamp from 14.62, three photographs passport.
Clear, no?
Nothing less and nothing more.
But at the Police Headquarters, the Information Officer is not sure ... and sends you to the door ... but there is already a line for hours and if you do not have the number you can not even talk on the phone is utopia, then the first queue ... ...
Got a list of documents to be produced and the exact number of copies and originals .. second tail ...
Then, given that the law also says that "at the time of the request for issuing a stay, the family of a Union citizen and 'a receipt in the format set by the Minister of Interior referred to in paragraph 1 ", usually the applicant if he goes home with a receipt pending a police patrol steps to verify the effectiveness of the cohabitation of the spouses, a fundamental requirement for obtaining a residence permit sweating.
or More unless the patrol is able to move within six months ...... and then must do the minutes, and if you do not find at home (maybe because you're at work at noon) then you must find another time to go back and finally enter the house, open cupboards, ask who are the toothbrush and those who use the beige jacket and who sweetens the coffee and everything ... and then redo the report and send it to the police headquarters where they must retrieve the file and finally approve the matter.
At that point, the spouse can withdraw the residence permit (oops, the Charter).
But the verification of the effectiveness of co-existence is made by law to sample, and if that day comes your lottery numbers, the card you give it away and greetings' to mugghiera.
And so, two days after his arrival in Italy, my husband has had the good fortune to have already taken back to the Italian bureaucracy and practice governing the stay of foreigners do not know if he knows what an enormous fortune he had (I have the I suspect he knows it), I, that these stories every day I , I know well and I'm tempted to do some magic ritual of thanksgiving.
oh yes! sometimes it takes!
photo available here |
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