New year, new blog
We moved to this address :
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Friday, December 8, 2006
Residential Address Of Abdul Kalam, Chennai
Health Department
These days there is much talk of the Health Department 's unique Azienda Sanitaria di Bolzano. There are some names on the carpet, but a lot of discussion among politicians without a positive result.
You are names of doctors known and viable from a professional and also between those of someone who has already tried that position without getting good results managerial.
As you can see, in this case, it gives priority to party interests rather than the medical and managerial capacity of the person who should be chosen.
But would not it be more just and democratic physicians ad eleggere il loro rappresentante?
Se si facesse una bella elezione democratica tra i medici dell' Azienda probabilmente verrebbe fuori un nome che andrebbe bene a tutti. Magari anche ai pazienti.
These days there is much talk of the Health Department 's unique Azienda Sanitaria di Bolzano. There are some names on the carpet, but a lot of discussion among politicians without a positive result.
You are names of doctors known and viable from a professional and also between those of someone who has already tried that position without getting good results managerial.
As you can see, in this case, it gives priority to party interests rather than the medical and managerial capacity of the person who should be chosen.
But would not it be more just and democratic physicians ad eleggere il loro rappresentante?
Se si facesse una bella elezione democratica tra i medici dell' Azienda probabilmente verrebbe fuori un nome che andrebbe bene a tutti. Magari anche ai pazienti.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Bronchitis And Strep Throat
Electoral fraud and democracy
Clinton Curtis è il programmatore di computers americano che truccò il programma digitale per conteggiare i voti delle elezioni in Florida nel 2000: vedi il filmato della sua deposizione alla Commissione Parlamentare, cliccando qui
Clinton Curtis è il programmatore di computers americano che truccò il programma digitale per conteggiare i voti delle elezioni in Florida nel 2000: vedi il filmato della sua deposizione alla Commissione Parlamentare, cliccando qui
Friday, November 24, 2006
Clearing Airlock Underfloor Heating
Saranno presentati alla metà di dicembre i provvedimenti del Governo per combattere il fenomeno del bullismo nelle scuole. Lo ha ribadito oggi il ministro della Pubblica Istruzione, Giuseppe Fioroni, intervenendo at a conference organized by Margaret, in Erba (Como).
Fioroni said the measures will be taken based on the conclusions of the work of the panel, and that it will be a 'crack down' on what he thinks the real causes of the phenomenon, namely video games, internet and television areas which lack any regulatory authority. "The school can not replace the family," he also said Fioroni. "There are video games - has taken - which beat the girls. Now the boys live in a kind of reality show, and violence arise because the boys are replicants. " The minister reiterated that will be also organized training courses for teachers, but the issue must be resolved upstream, back to the causes of the phenomenon.
Fioroni also stated that will not make a move to ban the use of mobile phones in the classroom, required by many: "It seems crazy that in a civilized country, the minister must make a move to make it clear that while a teacher says we should not call or use a video game. "
(from margheritaonline)
Fioroni said the measures will be taken based on the conclusions of the work of the panel, and that it will be a 'crack down' on what he thinks the real causes of the phenomenon, namely video games, internet and television areas which lack any regulatory authority. "The school can not replace the family," he also said Fioroni. "There are video games - has taken - which beat the girls. Now the boys live in a kind of reality show, and violence arise because the boys are replicants. " The minister reiterated that will be also organized training courses for teachers, but the issue must be resolved upstream, back to the causes of the phenomenon.
Fioroni also stated that will not make a move to ban the use of mobile phones in the classroom, required by many: "It seems crazy that in a civilized country, the minister must make a move to make it clear that while a teacher says we should not call or use a video game. "
(from margheritaonline)
How To Bake With Silicone Cupcake Molds
Young el 'alcohol
Why do young people get drunk?
There are various reasons: lack of ideals, lack of affection, desire to overcome, getting high, the inadequacies of 'age, the desire to somehow get in the middle of' attention, debolezza di carattere, il tentativo di sfuggire alle asprezze della vita. Ma anche la voglia di ridere e divertirsi in qualche modo; la ricerca del piacere momentaneo, se non della felicità, così difficile da raggiungere; il desiderio di stare più facilmente con gli altri o con qualche ragazza, che non si ha il coraggio di corteggiare.
Tanti motivi e tutti validi come si vede.
Però..c'è un però. Vale la pena di stare male fino a vomitare? Cosa c'è di bello e sano nell' ubriacarsi? Si ottiene veramente un benessere dall' alcool? O non si ottiene piuttosto un annebbiamento temporaneo e parziale dei problemi?
Come tutte le sostanze che fanno sballare, anche l' alcool non è un rimedio, ma un modo not to think and to escape problems.
those seeking serenity and well-being, has to face the problems and seek a solution within themselves. It may seem difficult and it takes time to understand it, but it is the 'only way to live well, since we are always at the end if we choose to live a good life or bad, and it is usually best to live well than to live badly.
these discomforts youth is based on the buzz then organized in the premises before the bar in the center, which sells beer until the 'time to go to dance and the clubs, which sell everything from pills to the more or less a barrel, mix well to pounding techno music.
Not to mention the traffic accidents that occur at the back dallo sballo musicale e alcoolico della discoteca.
Di queste notti sballate siamo responsabili tutti: genitori che trascurano, professori che non educano, baristi non responsabili, gestori di locali da ballo che non controllano, autorità politiche che non pensano al futuro dei giovani.
Se i giovani meritano fiducia, dobbiamo dargliela.
Se i giovani non sanno trovare la strada, dobbiamo indicargliela noi.
Talvolta la strada non è facile, però forse un giorno i giovani si ricorderanno di noi.
There are various reasons: lack of ideals, lack of affection, desire to overcome, getting high, the inadequacies of 'age, the desire to somehow get in the middle of' attention, debolezza di carattere, il tentativo di sfuggire alle asprezze della vita. Ma anche la voglia di ridere e divertirsi in qualche modo; la ricerca del piacere momentaneo, se non della felicità, così difficile da raggiungere; il desiderio di stare più facilmente con gli altri o con qualche ragazza, che non si ha il coraggio di corteggiare.
Tanti motivi e tutti validi come si vede.
Però..c'è un però. Vale la pena di stare male fino a vomitare? Cosa c'è di bello e sano nell' ubriacarsi? Si ottiene veramente un benessere dall' alcool? O non si ottiene piuttosto un annebbiamento temporaneo e parziale dei problemi?
Come tutte le sostanze che fanno sballare, anche l' alcool non è un rimedio, ma un modo not to think and to escape problems.
those seeking serenity and well-being, has to face the problems and seek a solution within themselves. It may seem difficult and it takes time to understand it, but it is the 'only way to live well, since we are always at the end if we choose to live a good life or bad, and it is usually best to live well than to live badly.
these discomforts youth is based on the buzz then organized in the premises before the bar in the center, which sells beer until the 'time to go to dance and the clubs, which sell everything from pills to the more or less a barrel, mix well to pounding techno music.
Not to mention the traffic accidents that occur at the back dallo sballo musicale e alcoolico della discoteca.
Di queste notti sballate siamo responsabili tutti: genitori che trascurano, professori che non educano, baristi non responsabili, gestori di locali da ballo che non controllano, autorità politiche che non pensano al futuro dei giovani.
Se i giovani meritano fiducia, dobbiamo dargliela.
Se i giovani non sanno trovare la strada, dobbiamo indicargliela noi.
Talvolta la strada non è facile, però forse un giorno i giovani si ricorderanno di noi.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Window Xp Sp2 V 2002 Confirmation Id Us
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Bullet Katesplayground
Thursday, November 2, 2006
I Really Want A Shih Tzu
The blog is one year
Oggi è il primo compleanno di questo blog.
Infatti è già passato un anno dal primo post inserito nel novembre scorso.
Siamo sempre andati avanti, nella convinzione che questo potesse essere un mezzo nuovo e utile per tenersi vicini ai cittadini.
Buon compleanno al blog quindi e auguri a chi lo utilizzerà in futuro, sia come autore che come lettore di posts e commenti.
Oggi è il primo compleanno di questo blog.
Infatti è già passato un anno dal primo post inserito nel novembre scorso.
Siamo sempre andati avanti, nella convinzione che questo potesse essere un mezzo nuovo e utile per tenersi vicini ai cittadini.
Buon compleanno al blog quindi e auguri a chi lo utilizzerà in futuro, sia come autore che come lettore di posts e commenti.
Masterbate Rubber Glove
The money raised will go to the City finance public transport
Pedaggio per entrare in centro con l'auto
a Milano si comincia da febbraio
MILANO - Partirà dal prossimo 19 febbraio la prima sperimentazione italiana di "pollution charge", la tassa antinquinamento imposta a chi entra car in an urban center. A Milan will take the lead, including where to access the inside of the railway line will need to pay a toll of between two and ten euro. The measure, also announced and widely disputed by several categories, was officially introduced into the "mobility plan" delivered to the 2006-2011 city assessors with a lot of rates and regulation.
If Italy is the first, is not so abroad, where similar experiences have been successfully adopted in Oslo, London and Stockholm. Unlike other northern European cities, Milan has decided to introduce a rate proportional to the level of pollution of the vehicles that will be divided in 5 different classes.
one that will take them away on February 19 will be an initial pilot phase. The area on which town will be worth the ticket covers about 60 square kilometers, equivalent to 33% of the municipal area, and covers a population of 774 000 inhabitants, 59% of the total residents in the municipality of Milan. In this same area, so "limited" in the resident population, enter the other hand about 65% of the vehicles of non-residents.
With regard to resident and domiciled in Milan, will have the option to purchase an annual pass, a discounted rate of respectively 40, 100 and 200 € for vehicles in Class 3, 4 and 5. The time slot is envisaged between 7 and 18 of every weekday. From October 15 the "pollution charge" will apply to the scheme and increased, both in terms of the price categories of cars.
According to the municipality, the access control will be provided by "electronic portals with video systems approved for the license plate." Then "there will be no obstacles" to the traffic flow, "since there are no physical barriers" to the inputs. Initially it will buy the ticket in a manner similar to those currently used for parking. Then from October 15, 2007 you can use maps to scale, credit cards via the Internet, call center or ATM, or SMS (with direct debit amount on the calling card) or cash in outlets such as tobacconists.
The introduction of the tax, the commissioner said Edoardo Croci, "is a great opportunity to reduce traffic and reduce pollution by generating significant resources to be devoted to strengthening the financing of public transport and other measures of environmental policy."
(November 1, 2006)
(from the Republic)
Pedaggio per entrare in centro con l'auto
a Milano si comincia da febbraio
MILANO - Partirà dal prossimo 19 febbraio la prima sperimentazione italiana di "pollution charge", la tassa antinquinamento imposta a chi entra car in an urban center. A Milan will take the lead, including where to access the inside of the railway line will need to pay a toll of between two and ten euro. The measure, also announced and widely disputed by several categories, was officially introduced into the "mobility plan" delivered to the 2006-2011 city assessors with a lot of rates and regulation.
If Italy is the first, is not so abroad, where similar experiences have been successfully adopted in Oslo, London and Stockholm. Unlike other northern European cities, Milan has decided to introduce a rate proportional to the level of pollution of the vehicles that will be divided in 5 different classes.
one that will take them away on February 19 will be an initial pilot phase. The area on which town will be worth the ticket covers about 60 square kilometers, equivalent to 33% of the municipal area, and covers a population of 774 000 inhabitants, 59% of the total residents in the municipality of Milan. In this same area, so "limited" in the resident population, enter the other hand about 65% of the vehicles of non-residents.
With regard to resident and domiciled in Milan, will have the option to purchase an annual pass, a discounted rate of respectively 40, 100 and 200 € for vehicles in Class 3, 4 and 5. The time slot is envisaged between 7 and 18 of every weekday. From October 15 the "pollution charge" will apply to the scheme and increased, both in terms of the price categories of cars.
According to the municipality, the access control will be provided by "electronic portals with video systems approved for the license plate." Then "there will be no obstacles" to the traffic flow, "since there are no physical barriers" to the inputs. Initially it will buy the ticket in a manner similar to those currently used for parking. Then from October 15, 2007 you can use maps to scale, credit cards via the Internet, call center or ATM, or SMS (with direct debit amount on the calling card) or cash in outlets such as tobacconists.
The introduction of the tax, the commissioner said Edoardo Croci, "is a great opportunity to reduce traffic and reduce pollution by generating significant resources to be devoted to strengthening the financing of public transport and other measures of environmental policy."
(November 1, 2006)
(from the Republic)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Silver Bullet Kate Playground
Sara 'true?
few cars, efficient air monitoring, illegal building almost non-existent policies that promote energy conservation. These are the virtues that have earned the title of the Bolzano city more "sustainable" among the 103 Italian provincial capitals. To crown the capital of South Tyrol to the environment is the latest report made by Legambiente 2007 Urban Ecosystem and Il Sole-24 Ore on Monday.
In London, meanwhile, successfully applied, and even expand, the area of \u200b\u200bpaid access to the center (congestion charging).
few cars, efficient air monitoring, illegal building almost non-existent policies that promote energy conservation. These are the virtues that have earned the title of the Bolzano city more "sustainable" among the 103 Italian provincial capitals. To crown the capital of South Tyrol to the environment is the latest report made by Legambiente 2007 Urban Ecosystem and Il Sole-24 Ore on Monday.
In London, meanwhile, successfully applied, and even expand, the area of \u200b\u200bpaid access to the center (congestion charging).
Friday, October 20, 2006
What Does Menstruate Look Like
The Association for the Democratic Party in South Tyrol
declared aim of the association is to contribute to the emergence of the Democratic Party in South Tyrol, facilitating the integration of the political center-left and presenting itself as a place of culture and theme that can attract and enhance the active participation of the 'society engaged 'in politics.
The association is independent of individual political parties and operates independently from all other entities with which it is however open to collaborations. 1
People who join the association share the belief that the model of autonomy that has been achieved in South Tyrol has great merit for the level of social peace which has contributed to the ability of self-government that has product for widespread economic prosperity that ensued, however, deem it necessary to introduce innovations to enhance socio-economic determinants of regional competitiveness and to meet old and new social needs, through the evolution of the model of autonomy in a vindictive and defensive model is inclusive, open and participatory. This requires a political act to overcome the fragmentation of the center-left political forces which, although different, they share the basic principles that unite the progressive forces in Europe.
Although not ethnically oriented, unilateral, primary task of the new political unit will be to recover, in a revival of the autonomy, the majority of citizens of the Italian group, made her skeptical about the real value from a ' effective and long-term work of exploitation by the right wing. A latter 's political action of the center-left must also respond by restoring the strong ties of a time with economic and professional categories of employment, associations. 2 The principles
is necessary to develop a cultural-political project based on principles that relate the intellectual stimulation of European reformism with the specific points of the province and on the principle of subsidiarity, on a less interventionist policy orientation and economic and center on the promotion of interculturalism and multilingualism; on a greater responsibility to private entities (individuals, families, associations), the inclusion of the weakest, in which socio-cultural resources on public and private sectors complement each other; on increasing human resources rather than on reproductive structures (which often creates duplication and micro-centers of power, self- ) on the centrality of socio-economic culture, research and universities, the social value of health care and schools, promoting quality and professionalism on streamlining bureaucracy and on modernizing public administration and the child support to the disabled; on reconciliation between the times working time and family members on enhancing the role of parenting, sharing family roles, gender equality in all spheres of social and working life, the revival of an ethical conception of political action, that puts consistency, transparency, honesty and interest in the pursuit of individual benefits or interest groups.
3 The role of the Association The Association shall be understood as a reference point for a 'open network' which promotes dialogue with mainstream political parties of individuals and groups willing to contribute their ideas and resources to the development of community, is a partner of the parties, both for comparison issues and proposals for the establishment of a path that could lead a compact aggregation of center-left politics in South Tyrol and in this sense is committed to promoting the aggregation of the parties of the center-left to the constitution of the Democratic Party in South Tyrol, a political entity that will finally be able to communicate unambiguously and cohesive with the SVP in defining the development of autonomy in the province of Bolzano.
The Association, without wishing in any way deny the role of individual center-left parties, intends to engage in this innovative project to see them interact more with other actors from civil society on the basis of shared principles.
The Association intends to provide its support in research, documentazione, divulgazione, formazione, organizzazione di convegni nell’ambito dello sviluppo territoriale e dell’autonomia, operando per aree di approfondimento secondo un approccio interdisciplinare con ampi interscambi di competenze e momenti di confronto.
(ricevuto da Elio Cirimbelli)

The association is independent of individual political parties and operates independently from all other entities with which it is however open to collaborations. 1
People who join the association share the belief that the model of autonomy that has been achieved in South Tyrol has great merit for the level of social peace which has contributed to the ability of self-government that has product for widespread economic prosperity that ensued, however, deem it necessary to introduce innovations to enhance socio-economic determinants of regional competitiveness and to meet old and new social needs, through the evolution of the model of autonomy in a vindictive and defensive model is inclusive, open and participatory. This requires a political act to overcome the fragmentation of the center-left political forces which, although different, they share the basic principles that unite the progressive forces in Europe.
Although not ethnically oriented, unilateral, primary task of the new political unit will be to recover, in a revival of the autonomy, the majority of citizens of the Italian group, made her skeptical about the real value from a ' effective and long-term work of exploitation by the right wing. A latter 's political action of the center-left must also respond by restoring the strong ties of a time with economic and professional categories of employment, associations. 2 The principles
is necessary to develop a cultural-political project based on principles that relate the intellectual stimulation of European reformism with the specific points of the province and on the principle of subsidiarity, on a less interventionist policy orientation and economic and center on the promotion of interculturalism and multilingualism; on a greater responsibility to private entities (individuals, families, associations), the inclusion of the weakest, in which socio-cultural resources on public and private sectors complement each other; on increasing human resources rather than on reproductive structures (which often creates duplication and micro-centers of power, self- ) on the centrality of socio-economic culture, research and universities, the social value of health care and schools, promoting quality and professionalism on streamlining bureaucracy and on modernizing public administration and the child support to the disabled; on reconciliation between the times working time and family members on enhancing the role of parenting, sharing family roles, gender equality in all spheres of social and working life, the revival of an ethical conception of political action, that puts consistency, transparency, honesty and interest in the pursuit of individual benefits or interest groups.
3 The role of the Association The Association shall be understood as a reference point for a 'open network' which promotes dialogue with mainstream political parties of individuals and groups willing to contribute their ideas and resources to the development of community, is a partner of the parties, both for comparison issues and proposals for the establishment of a path that could lead a compact aggregation of center-left politics in South Tyrol and in this sense is committed to promoting the aggregation of the parties of the center-left to the constitution of the Democratic Party in South Tyrol, a political entity that will finally be able to communicate unambiguously and cohesive with the SVP in defining the development of autonomy in the province of Bolzano.
The Association, without wishing in any way deny the role of individual center-left parties, intends to engage in this innovative project to see them interact more with other actors from civil society on the basis of shared principles.
The Association intends to provide its support in research, documentazione, divulgazione, formazione, organizzazione di convegni nell’ambito dello sviluppo territoriale e dell’autonomia, operando per aree di approfondimento secondo un approccio interdisciplinare con ampi interscambi di competenze e momenti di confronto.
(ricevuto da Elio Cirimbelli)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Meningitis
“Quando si va verso un obiettivo, è molto importante prestare attenzione al Cammino.
E’ il cammino che ci insegna sempre la maniera migliore di arrivare, e ci arricchisce mentre lo percorriamo” (Paulo Coelho)
Queste parole spiegano nel migliore dei modi perché the traditional parties, instead of harboring unfounded fears can be lessened their important role, have a common interest in promoting a strong participation of all components active politically and especially the so-called "society committed."
need a party that is born is also divided by a felt need of the base, and yet another one-or two-party, or instead of developing synergy and cohesion, we would ultimately once again to a dispersive fragmentation.
Especially at the local level, in anticipation of the upcoming provincial elections, the Democratic Party will have to go far beyond a mere summation of DS and Margherita, if you do not want devalued to be seen as an electoral cartel or platform ad hoc rather unconvincing.
If your goal is really to build that stated, we do not pursue it right away on their own, but together, parties and the company committed to holding hands.
A prerequisite is that we must be clear about the objective. Each
rightly maintains its own values, but at the same time recognizes the effort as effectively to the particularities of individual ideologies.
Let me conclude my speech with a thought that I would like to summarize here in my own words:
To those who think through ideology thinking is not necessary as it is to think for them. However, this makes the real slaves, living and sleeping an idea to think about their place.
Friends! We try to avoid it, if we really care about the birth of the Democratic Party. Comment by Elio
Center Director ASDI
“Quando si va verso un obiettivo, è molto importante prestare attenzione al Cammino.
E’ il cammino che ci insegna sempre la maniera migliore di arrivare, e ci arricchisce mentre lo percorriamo” (Paulo Coelho)
Queste parole spiegano nel migliore dei modi perché the traditional parties, instead of harboring unfounded fears can be lessened their important role, have a common interest in promoting a strong participation of all components active politically and especially the so-called "society committed."
need a party that is born is also divided by a felt need of the base, and yet another one-or two-party, or instead of developing synergy and cohesion, we would ultimately once again to a dispersive fragmentation.
Especially at the local level, in anticipation of the upcoming provincial elections, the Democratic Party will have to go far beyond a mere summation of DS and Margherita, if you do not want devalued to be seen as an electoral cartel or platform ad hoc rather unconvincing.
If your goal is really to build that stated, we do not pursue it right away on their own, but together, parties and the company committed to holding hands.
A prerequisite is that we must be clear about the objective. Each
rightly maintains its own values, but at the same time recognizes the effort as effectively to the particularities of individual ideologies.
Let me conclude my speech with a thought that I would like to summarize here in my own words:
To those who think through ideology thinking is not necessary as it is to think for them. However, this makes the real slaves, living and sleeping an idea to think about their place.
Friends! We try to avoid it, if we really care about the birth of the Democratic Party. Comment by Elio
Center Director ASDI
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Can I Fly With Temp Drivers License
Monday, September 11, 2006
Retail Store Flaschers
in Bolzano in September 22-23-24
Provincial Festival of the Daisy La Margherita di Bolzano
Feast of the Daisy High
Adige Bolzano - Regina Pacis square off in Dalmatia
Fri 22 - Sat. 23 - Sun. September 24, 2006
debates - insights - and tasting - music - meeting people
entire population is invited
Friday Sept. 22. 2006
at 19.00 opening of the festival
music until 23.00
food stalls for everyone
Saturday Sept. 23. 2006
"Autonomy and political project"
moderator: dr. Paul Campostrini
09.00 am roundtable on the economy
10.30 am panel discussion on culture and education
12:00 pm panel discussion on social
at 17.00 public debate "to the Democratic Party of the olive "
from 17.00 food and music with up to 23.00
Sunday Sept. 24. 2006
from 10.00 : a Sunday festival all together until late at night
attend meetings - will exchange views
word of mouth - the more we enjoy ourselves more
(from the site of the Daisy Bolzano)
Feast of the Daisy High
Adige Bolzano - Regina Pacis square off in Dalmatia
Fri 22 - Sat. 23 - Sun. September 24, 2006
debates - insights - and tasting - music - meeting people
entire population is invited
Friday Sept. 22. 2006
at 19.00 opening of the festival
music until 23.00
food stalls for everyone
Saturday Sept. 23. 2006
"Autonomy and political project"
moderator: dr. Paul Campostrini
09.00 am roundtable on the economy
10.30 am panel discussion on culture and education
12:00 pm panel discussion on social
at 17.00 public debate "to the Democratic Party of the olive "
from 17.00 food and music with up to 23.00
Sunday Sept. 24. 2006
from 10.00 : a Sunday festival all together until late at night
attend meetings - will exchange views
word of mouth - the more we enjoy ourselves more
(from the site of the Daisy Bolzano)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Propellerhead Reason License Number
Bicycle lanes
Yesterday I returned to town after the holidays and I took the bike for a ride to see what has changed.
I saw that during the 'summer bike lanes have been resurfaced and then I have traveled a long stretch during Freedom:
three hundred feet, down from Piazza Vittoria, a first lady opened the right door of his car parked at the edge of pavement-cycling and I've avoided by a hair, after a balcony above came down a shower of 'water probably caused by some lover of flowers to the flowers, and finally a quiet rider ran over to me in the wrong to my ward which I think is one way, at least from the information.
he is calm: nothing has changed in Bolzano.
Yesterday I returned to town after the holidays and I took the bike for a ride to see what has changed.
I saw that during the 'summer bike lanes have been resurfaced and then I have traveled a long stretch during Freedom:
three hundred feet, down from Piazza Vittoria, a first lady opened the right door of his car parked at the edge of pavement-cycling and I've avoided by a hair, after a balcony above came down a shower of 'water probably caused by some lover of flowers to the flowers, and finally a quiet rider ran over to me in the wrong to my ward which I think is one way, at least from the information.
he is calm: nothing has changed in Bolzano.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
The Man Live With One Kidney
How is an urbanization of the left ? 2 °
few days ago I had to write and see published in part, the paper AA, the following considerations:
But the architects have left?
may be that the cart does not sound like much to the society of our time, but I doubt that cubizzazione-day leave its mark in the history of civilization and the overall level of the people. The
cubizzazione obviously not born in Bolzano, a small appendage of the Western world, but here just a few examples of application of the cube to highlight a trend perhaps deliberate, perhaps unconscious. However, symptomatic of a trend that we do not hesitate to think negative.
Nearly thirty years urbanism in Bolzano is in the hands of surveyors / architects socialists / communists and we can venture that the policy affects education. You can be happy with the way the city has evolved? I think not.
At many houses three-story apartment blocks have been replaced by urban canyon effect and continue to proliferate. How many architects will have to live in the new district Firmian? District New, modern, meeting all the standards, etc.. etc.. Lack of space and housing crisis is no excuse weak and instrumental. And 'everyone knows that "he who does the first draft" of 50% has an advantage over others. Other than consultation.
What effects are present in the way of urbanizing today? Increase of human density. Increased social isolation. Increase in petty crime and vandalism. Collapse of solidarity among neighbors. Collapse of relations between neighbors. Collapse of a sense of respect for property, public and others. The way of building counts. And how! The rules for building count. And how!
But what is the primary objective of certain urbanization, some planning? Who is the focus of interest? The gain? Speculation? The person? What happened to the aesthetics? Attics retrieved, spun off stairwell, private garden and communal understood as color (green Firmian is made of carpet); garage deeper and deeper with damage to the aquifer (the water we drink).
Green and climate that position do? The convenience and functionality that are considered? For us green is understood instead as a decorative element is essential for controlling air and climate of the city. Once the buildings were designed to live well, built according to the movement of the sun with obvious advantages of saving energy and thus reducing pollution.
throughout Spain has adopted a building code that requires new buildings use solar panels. There are clear effects on the economy of industry, energy efficiency and urban pollution.
What interest has been pursued in recent decades? The weakest segments of the population and exposed to the benefits it has drawn? And 'This is the view of the world from the left? There is a palace built in recent years that deserves to be photographed by tourists? The attack on the achievements of the rationalist period has allowed us to create quality spaces worthy of a future or not? What right does not come from nothing concrete no consolation.
One council / wish: designers and builders when they get around the table, where they learned to think of accomplishments would be happy to live and live. Inside and outside the houses. Regardless of the level of prices. And with doses of common sense.
whatever? Too easy guys!
Ravagnani Franco - 07.08.2006
Stage 2 Tuesday, 09.08.2006
the Municipal Council of Bolzano has approved the working draft of the councilor responsible for urban planning that provides for (here he is!) The waiver of a Grid Projects to remake the PUC (City Urban Planning) and the involvement of a consortium of local architects to define the main features of the new PUC.
Good. (For them)
A city inhabited exclusively by architects would wonder.
A normal city should take account of other sensitivities.
In the pool I would see a good expert in the cultural world, an expert in the social world, an expert in the business world. E 'asking too much? Mah
few days ago I had to write and see published in part, the paper AA, the following considerations:
But the architects have left?
may be that the cart does not sound like much to the society of our time, but I doubt that cubizzazione-day leave its mark in the history of civilization and the overall level of the people. The
cubizzazione obviously not born in Bolzano, a small appendage of the Western world, but here just a few examples of application of the cube to highlight a trend perhaps deliberate, perhaps unconscious. However, symptomatic of a trend that we do not hesitate to think negative.
Nearly thirty years urbanism in Bolzano is in the hands of surveyors / architects socialists / communists and we can venture that the policy affects education. You can be happy with the way the city has evolved? I think not.
At many houses three-story apartment blocks have been replaced by urban canyon effect and continue to proliferate. How many architects will have to live in the new district Firmian? District New, modern, meeting all the standards, etc.. etc.. Lack of space and housing crisis is no excuse weak and instrumental. And 'everyone knows that "he who does the first draft" of 50% has an advantage over others. Other than consultation.
What effects are present in the way of urbanizing today? Increase of human density. Increased social isolation. Increase in petty crime and vandalism. Collapse of solidarity among neighbors. Collapse of relations between neighbors. Collapse of a sense of respect for property, public and others. The way of building counts. And how! The rules for building count. And how!
But what is the primary objective of certain urbanization, some planning? Who is the focus of interest? The gain? Speculation? The person? What happened to the aesthetics? Attics retrieved, spun off stairwell, private garden and communal understood as color (green Firmian is made of carpet); garage deeper and deeper with damage to the aquifer (the water we drink).
Green and climate that position do? The convenience and functionality that are considered? For us green is understood instead as a decorative element is essential for controlling air and climate of the city. Once the buildings were designed to live well, built according to the movement of the sun with obvious advantages of saving energy and thus reducing pollution.
throughout Spain has adopted a building code that requires new buildings use solar panels. There are clear effects on the economy of industry, energy efficiency and urban pollution.
What interest has been pursued in recent decades? The weakest segments of the population and exposed to the benefits it has drawn? And 'This is the view of the world from the left? There is a palace built in recent years that deserves to be photographed by tourists? The attack on the achievements of the rationalist period has allowed us to create quality spaces worthy of a future or not? What right does not come from nothing concrete no consolation.
One council / wish: designers and builders when they get around the table, where they learned to think of accomplishments would be happy to live and live. Inside and outside the houses. Regardless of the level of prices. And with doses of common sense.
whatever? Too easy guys!
Ravagnani Franco - 07.08.2006
Stage 2 Tuesday, 09.08.2006
the Municipal Council of Bolzano has approved the working draft of the councilor responsible for urban planning that provides for (here he is!) The waiver of a Grid Projects to remake the PUC (City Urban Planning) and the involvement of a consortium of local architects to define the main features of the new PUC.
Good. (For them)
A city inhabited exclusively by architects would wonder.
A normal city should take account of other sensitivities.
In the pool I would see a good expert in the cultural world, an expert in the social world, an expert in the business world. E 'asking too much? Mah
Monday, August 7, 2006
How Does A Clitoris Look
the changing sense of decency
mirror of the times
The guidelines of the Supreme Court on issues that touch the costume
Offenses Chapter
Define your boss 'child' is insulting, because the word is detrimental to his personality (2003)
Don Dare Abbondio
of Don abundantly "is offensive, since calling the figure of the priest Manzoni apostrophize equivalent to a person of timidity (1998) Psycho
sentenced to a fine that the condominium during an argument, apostrophes, the neighbor with the term 'psychopath' (2004)
Common decency
The Lap dance lap dance does not offend the common decency of the average (2004) Male Nude
The naked man, as far as lying on a towel while sunbathing by the sea, an action takes place "prejudices of the common sense of restraint and good manners" (2000) Sexual violence
Kiss extorted constitutes an act of violence (1998)
Prostitution Prostitution is an act contrary to morality. However, the "Firefly" who can not, because of an accident, keep working, you can get insurance other so-called 'profit', but the compensation should be commensurate with the average income of a housewife (1986, 600 thousand lire a month, 310 €)
NB. According to the Supreme Court, the touchstone for defining an act which "goes beyond the sense of shame" are the "applicants' values \u200b\u200bof social consciousness" that can be measured through the mass media.
Ergo: everything that goes through the trash TV and newspapers (including porn), the Court of Cassation, are "the factory and the mirror of the common feeling of the general state of acceptance of the change of costume."
you understand ... ... ... ... ..
mirror of the times
The guidelines of the Supreme Court on issues that touch the costume
Offenses Chapter
Define your boss 'child' is insulting, because the word is detrimental to his personality (2003)
Don Dare Abbondio
of Don abundantly "is offensive, since calling the figure of the priest Manzoni apostrophize equivalent to a person of timidity (1998) Psycho
sentenced to a fine that the condominium during an argument, apostrophes, the neighbor with the term 'psychopath' (2004)
Common decency
The Lap dance lap dance does not offend the common decency of the average (2004) Male Nude
The naked man, as far as lying on a towel while sunbathing by the sea, an action takes place "prejudices of the common sense of restraint and good manners" (2000) Sexual violence
Kiss extorted constitutes an act of violence (1998)
Prostitution Prostitution is an act contrary to morality. However, the "Firefly" who can not, because of an accident, keep working, you can get insurance other so-called 'profit', but the compensation should be commensurate with the average income of a housewife (1986, 600 thousand lire a month, 310 €)
NB. According to the Supreme Court, the touchstone for defining an act which "goes beyond the sense of shame" are the "applicants' values \u200b\u200bof social consciousness" that can be measured through the mass media.
Ergo: everything that goes through the trash TV and newspapers (including porn), the Court of Cassation, are "the factory and the mirror of the common feeling of the general state of acceptance of the change of costume."
you understand ... ... ... ... ..
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Funny Messenger Emoticons
hot summer in Bolzano
1. maximum over 36 degrees C.;
2. Longon pastures and become current in spite of themselves;
3. Province and City of BZ are ready to sign with the Railways for use national distribution area (20 hectares or thereabouts);
4. we learn from the press that there are 4 projects of constitutional law concerning the Alto Adige;
5. The Commission's investigation into the advice given by the Provincial Government is decided by Gnecchi and Cigolla;
6. Bolzano dance might be expected to change in "Bolzano naked"
7. collapse of the Dolomites and the blame is human;
8. Clooney the motorcyclist is testimonial of the abbey (free?)
9. Margheri is daily; Bersani decree was changed to 40%.
is a really hot July:
1. maximum over 36 degrees C.;
2. Longon pastures and become current in spite of themselves;
3. Province and City of BZ are ready to sign with the Railways for use national distribution area (20 hectares or thereabouts);
4. we learn from the press that there are 4 projects of constitutional law concerning the Alto Adige;
5. The Commission's investigation into the advice given by the Provincial Government is decided by Gnecchi and Cigolla;
6. Bolzano dance might be expected to change in "Bolzano naked"
7. collapse of the Dolomites and the blame is human;
8. Clooney the motorcyclist is testimonial of the abbey (free?)
9. Margheri is daily; Bersani decree was changed to 40%.
is a really hot July:
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Old Bow And Arrow Game
The team of 'Italy plays a football hurts: sometimes tempted to give up and go for a walk. It would be certainly more relaxing. But then comes
Totti and makes goals and then ..
And a little 'as the' real Italy, which arrabatta and then somehow make it, but that effort. I am
Juventus since the days of Charles and Sivori and I'm glad that you do a little 'cleaning: is 10 years since I had fun cheating to win the championships, perhaps not before I noticed.
E 'for some' time in Italy believe in something that is an option, it's time to change something or at least try. All
as Totti, with his finger in mouth.
The team of 'Italy plays a football hurts: sometimes tempted to give up and go for a walk. It would be certainly more relaxing. But then comes
Totti and makes goals and then ..
And a little 'as the' real Italy, which arrabatta and then somehow make it, but that effort. I am
Juventus since the days of Charles and Sivori and I'm glad that you do a little 'cleaning: is 10 years since I had fun cheating to win the championships, perhaps not before I noticed.
E 'for some' time in Italy believe in something that is an option, it's time to change something or at least try. All
as Totti, with his finger in mouth.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Reason 3.0 Asks For Orkester Cd
oggi ore 20 :inceneritore Bolzano
Wednesday, 06/21: The incinerator in Bolzano
Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at 20:00
in the auditorium of the University of Bolzano
"incinerator and incinerator in Bolzano"
dell'assesssore public meeting with the provincial Public Works, Florian MUSSNER and the provincial environment, Michl
Leimer will also present the Mayor of Bolzano Luigi Spagnolli
and vice mayor, Elmar Pichler Rolle.
entire town is INVITED
Wednesday, 06/21: The incinerator in Bolzano
Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at 20:00
in the auditorium of the University of Bolzano
"incinerator and incinerator in Bolzano"
dell'assesssore public meeting with the provincial Public Works, Florian MUSSNER and the provincial environment, Michl
Leimer will also present the Mayor of Bolzano Luigi Spagnolli
and vice mayor, Elmar Pichler Rolle.
entire town is INVITED
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Lost Install Disk Reason 3.0
via Cappuccini
hear people talk these days of Via Cappuccini because of its pubs and the youthful excesses of his young patrons evening.
I remember when I was in high school, I spent every morning this way and that before any task in class was going to ask for help to the Virgin Mary in the small chapel that overlooked the street.
In those days I remember the movie Rome and the films Spartacus and Sergio Leone, the visa regime between cigarette smoking and the columns of the hall via Cappuccini buia.Poi not the 'I have heard or seen until now.
But now he talks a lot, because she became famous for his outrageous pubs and casinos, which like so much is open to children of Bolzano. There can be listen to music, meet friends, you know the girls, but mostly you can drink all you want and what you want. And there is no time restriction. A beautiful liberty in other words, after having studied and done their duty. I'd love to if I were young like them. There is a problem: the neighbors complain, there's casino trope, turn to the City, the Mayor proposes new rules: the pubs are close to 24 good ones, to those 23 unruly.
rules, the rules are already just one problem: heck even the ancient Romans used to say "bread and circuses," we want young people have some fun 'among us, what should we expect? to become large and Sky to look up the World Cup or the league organized by Blatter and Moggi? No, we prefer to talk among ourselves, to laugh, to say shit, drink, meet some new girl, have fun, be young and short of even piss on the walls.
Oh, by the way you know what it was called the most famous beer drinker to 'last Oktoberfest of Monaco? Orinawa Suimuri.
Beyond the joke I think that young people have a right to his freedom and that the rules can not bring us back to the Prohibition of the 30's. It is not a problem of laws, but education and that you learn in school, but first of all in the family.
Then the bartenders are all equal, there are bartenders series A and Series B: everyone lives by selling stuff to drink, since they have received a license. Perhaps
goers via Cappuccini are younger and more intemperate than Corso Libertà, perhaps in the city center there are more people living on public places, while in Freiheitsstraße there are several offices and departments, closed at night.
remains, however, saying that, as usual, the good thing too, and then the young man should not drink too much, the bartender should not give too much to drink, the neighbors should not complain too much, the legislator should not legislate too much. You know the old
healthy common sense? PS gf
The ridge for a bartender? Sell \u200b\u200balcohol in Via Cappuccini.
hear people talk these days of Via Cappuccini because of its pubs and the youthful excesses of his young patrons evening.
I remember when I was in high school, I spent every morning this way and that before any task in class was going to ask for help to the Virgin Mary in the small chapel that overlooked the street.
In those days I remember the movie Rome and the films Spartacus and Sergio Leone, the visa regime between cigarette smoking and the columns of the hall via Cappuccini buia.Poi not the 'I have heard or seen until now.
But now he talks a lot, because she became famous for his outrageous pubs and casinos, which like so much is open to children of Bolzano. There can be listen to music, meet friends, you know the girls, but mostly you can drink all you want and what you want. And there is no time restriction. A beautiful liberty in other words, after having studied and done their duty. I'd love to if I were young like them. There is a problem: the neighbors complain, there's casino trope, turn to the City, the Mayor proposes new rules: the pubs are close to 24 good ones, to those 23 unruly.
rules, the rules are already just one problem: heck even the ancient Romans used to say "bread and circuses," we want young people have some fun 'among us, what should we expect? to become large and Sky to look up the World Cup or the league organized by Blatter and Moggi? No, we prefer to talk among ourselves, to laugh, to say shit, drink, meet some new girl, have fun, be young and short of even piss on the walls.
Oh, by the way you know what it was called the most famous beer drinker to 'last Oktoberfest of Monaco? Orinawa Suimuri.
Beyond the joke I think that young people have a right to his freedom and that the rules can not bring us back to the Prohibition of the 30's. It is not a problem of laws, but education and that you learn in school, but first of all in the family.
Then the bartenders are all equal, there are bartenders series A and Series B: everyone lives by selling stuff to drink, since they have received a license. Perhaps
goers via Cappuccini are younger and more intemperate than Corso Libertà, perhaps in the city center there are more people living on public places, while in Freiheitsstraße there are several offices and departments, closed at night.
remains, however, saying that, as usual, the good thing too, and then the young man should not drink too much, the bartender should not give too much to drink, the neighbors should not complain too much, the legislator should not legislate too much. You know the old
healthy common sense? PS gf
The ridge for a bartender? Sell \u200b\u200balcohol in Via Cappuccini.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Cheats Para Pokemon Deluge
Rutelli: Il Partito Democratico non è una corsa contro il tempo
Il Partito Democratico non è una corsa contro il tempo. Troppi progetti sono partiti all’insegna del ‘prima è meglio è’ ma servono convinzioni e idee e noi abbiamo entrambe”. Lo ha detto il presidente della Margherita Francesco Rutelli intervenendo all’assemblea federale del suo partito.
“La sfida del partito democratico - ha aggiunto - ha bisogno di convinzioni e di idee e noi abbiamo entrambe e le carte in regola per entrare”.
“Abbiamo la convinzione forte - ha detto ancora Rutelli - della necessità che per la prima volta in un grande Paese come l’Italia si vada oltre le tradizioni e le culture politiche del Novecento and anticipate, the first in Europe, the responses of the twenty-first century. This belief has a specific name: the Democratic Party. "
La Margherita - he added - is crucial in this process, a strong party at the summit, along the territory. "
Rutelli reiterated the three issues working against the DL for the construction of the Democratic Party: political autonomy, cultural diversity and international alliances. The vice premier also pointed to
had "reassured" on the balance of its future taxable unit also citing data from the last administrative action, leaving the regions traditionally "red", which gave the Democrats a total of 16% and 12.4% in DL, with a report, therefore, balanced. Even under this Rutelli said that the DL "live calmly and constructively at the prospect of the Democratic Party."
"Do not make me feel any controversy - he concluded - and I stress that in the last month and a half I have done no interviews or other things, and that to make a contribution to peace and constructive spirit and unity" to the project.
(from margheritaonline)
Il Partito Democratico non è una corsa contro il tempo. Troppi progetti sono partiti all’insegna del ‘prima è meglio è’ ma servono convinzioni e idee e noi abbiamo entrambe”. Lo ha detto il presidente della Margherita Francesco Rutelli intervenendo all’assemblea federale del suo partito.
“La sfida del partito democratico - ha aggiunto - ha bisogno di convinzioni e di idee e noi abbiamo entrambe e le carte in regola per entrare”.
“Abbiamo la convinzione forte - ha detto ancora Rutelli - della necessità che per la prima volta in un grande Paese come l’Italia si vada oltre le tradizioni e le culture politiche del Novecento and anticipate, the first in Europe, the responses of the twenty-first century. This belief has a specific name: the Democratic Party. "
La Margherita - he added - is crucial in this process, a strong party at the summit, along the territory. "
Rutelli reiterated the three issues working against the DL for the construction of the Democratic Party: political autonomy, cultural diversity and international alliances. The vice premier also pointed to
had "reassured" on the balance of its future taxable unit also citing data from the last administrative action, leaving the regions traditionally "red", which gave the Democrats a total of 16% and 12.4% in DL, with a report, therefore, balanced. Even under this Rutelli said that the DL "live calmly and constructively at the prospect of the Democratic Party."
"Do not make me feel any controversy - he concluded - and I stress that in the last month and a half I have done no interviews or other things, and that to make a contribution to peace and constructive spirit and unity" to the project.
(from margheritaonline)
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Monday, June 5, 2006
Problem Flash Bios In Compaq R3240ca?
La ricetta di Padoa Schioppa
Padoa Schioppa to the ministers: "You have to keep expenses"
SAN MARTINO IN CAMPO - Red alert on the expense of European Municipalities and Regions, and absolute respect of discounts without commitments to Europe (even if signed by the previous government) and return of the deficit-GDP below 3 percent in 2007, general economic situation "difficult" even if the cycle fairly positive on the horizon may be encouraging. For about an hour Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has kept alive the attention of his colleagues in government. "A keynote," has called Prodi's spokesman Silvio Sircana that a break in the first day of the conclave of the Government of the Union. "Indications are difficult seven months," said Economy Minister to colleagues in the government which has gone a warning to keep tight control on expenses. The timetable for the executive on the economic front it is now clear: the first move was intended to address the act of expenditure restraint and respect for the 2006 budget passed last week. We will continue with the transaction data-truth on the budget that will be announced tomorrow on the eve of Ecofin as had expected. No indiscretion on double-digit deficit-GDP ratio this year who continue to dance between 4.2 'technical' from 4.5 to 4.8 and the "political", that is also considering the need to maintain open yards Anas and Railways. Will continue with the budget document (Document of economic and financial) and then enters into the heart of the 2007 budget. And the budget measure? Although it now seems obvious the government line is to be conditional upon completion of due diligence and negotiations with Brussels. In the conclave, Sircana said, "if they have not spoken." "Seven months will be difficult, 'he said Padoa-Schioppa, the fiscal position is' very serious'. Economy Minister was particularly concerned about the performance of local government expenditure: "In this area of \u200b\u200bpublic expenditure could spin out of control," he said with concern. "All levels of spending by municipalities to the regions, should have greater control of costs, "Padoa-Schioppa warned, calling on ministers to also take into account the dynamics of health spending and staff. The rigor of the rest, the minister emphasized, "is a condition of social equity." The first recipes of emergency already looming: Padoa-Schioppa has the repeated, retracing some of the steps of his report to the Council of Ministers held last week. They are called "constraints on new hiring," containment of waste, from the advice to the blue car, detailed technical reports for each measure of expenditure. The tone of the Minister of Economy has become more severe when he made reference to Europe. He recalled that Italy was in July 2005 under the excessive deficit procedure and that "the commitments made by the previous government must be maintained." Words that suggest that the Minister does not seem inclined to ask for discounts or extensions. Requests for which have made it clear the Commission President Barroso and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Almunia, there would be large audience in Brussels.
(from the Republic)
Padoa Schioppa to the ministers: "You have to keep expenses"
SAN MARTINO IN CAMPO - Red alert on the expense of European Municipalities and Regions, and absolute respect of discounts without commitments to Europe (even if signed by the previous government) and return of the deficit-GDP below 3 percent in 2007, general economic situation "difficult" even if the cycle fairly positive on the horizon may be encouraging. For about an hour Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has kept alive the attention of his colleagues in government. "A keynote," has called Prodi's spokesman Silvio Sircana that a break in the first day of the conclave of the Government of the Union. "Indications are difficult seven months," said Economy Minister to colleagues in the government which has gone a warning to keep tight control on expenses. The timetable for the executive on the economic front it is now clear: the first move was intended to address the act of expenditure restraint and respect for the 2006 budget passed last week. We will continue with the transaction data-truth on the budget that will be announced tomorrow on the eve of Ecofin as had expected. No indiscretion on double-digit deficit-GDP ratio this year who continue to dance between 4.2 'technical' from 4.5 to 4.8 and the "political", that is also considering the need to maintain open yards Anas and Railways. Will continue with the budget document (Document of economic and financial) and then enters into the heart of the 2007 budget. And the budget measure? Although it now seems obvious the government line is to be conditional upon completion of due diligence and negotiations with Brussels. In the conclave, Sircana said, "if they have not spoken." "Seven months will be difficult, 'he said Padoa-Schioppa, the fiscal position is' very serious'. Economy Minister was particularly concerned about the performance of local government expenditure: "In this area of \u200b\u200bpublic expenditure could spin out of control," he said with concern. "All levels of spending by municipalities to the regions, should have greater control of costs, "Padoa-Schioppa warned, calling on ministers to also take into account the dynamics of health spending and staff. The rigor of the rest, the minister emphasized, "is a condition of social equity." The first recipes of emergency already looming: Padoa-Schioppa has the repeated, retracing some of the steps of his report to the Council of Ministers held last week. They are called "constraints on new hiring," containment of waste, from the advice to the blue car, detailed technical reports for each measure of expenditure. The tone of the Minister of Economy has become more severe when he made reference to Europe. He recalled that Italy was in July 2005 under the excessive deficit procedure and that "the commitments made by the previous government must be maintained." Words that suggest that the Minister does not seem inclined to ask for discounts or extensions. Requests for which have made it clear the Commission President Barroso and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Almunia, there would be large audience in Brussels.
(from the Republic)
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