Il Partito Democratico non è una corsa contro il tempo. Troppi progetti sono partiti all’insegna del ‘prima è meglio è’ ma servono convinzioni e idee e noi abbiamo entrambe”. Lo ha detto il presidente della Margherita Francesco Rutelli intervenendo all’assemblea federale del suo partito.
“La sfida del partito democratico - ha aggiunto - ha bisogno di convinzioni e di idee e noi abbiamo entrambe e le carte in regola per entrare”.
“Abbiamo la convinzione forte - ha detto ancora Rutelli - della necessità che per la prima volta in un grande Paese come l’Italia si vada oltre le tradizioni e le culture politiche del Novecento and anticipate, the first in Europe, the responses of the twenty-first century. This belief has a specific name: the Democratic Party. "
La Margherita - he added - is crucial in this process, a strong party at the summit, along the territory. "
Rutelli reiterated the three issues working against the DL for the construction of the Democratic Party: political autonomy, cultural diversity and international alliances. The vice premier also pointed to
had "reassured" on the balance of its future taxable unit also citing data from the last administrative action, leaving the regions traditionally "red", which gave the Democrats a total of 16% and 12.4% in DL, with a report, therefore, balanced. Even under this Rutelli said that the DL "live calmly and constructively at the prospect of the Democratic Party."
"Do not make me feel any controversy - he concluded - and I stress that in the last month and a half I have done no interviews or other things, and that to make a contribution to peace and constructive spirit and unity" to the project.
(from margheritaonline)
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