Padoa Schioppa to the ministers: "You have to keep expenses"
SAN MARTINO IN CAMPO - Red alert on the expense of European Municipalities and Regions, and absolute respect of discounts without commitments to Europe (even if signed by the previous government) and return of the deficit-GDP below 3 percent in 2007, general economic situation "difficult" even if the cycle fairly positive on the horizon may be encouraging. For about an hour Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has kept alive the attention of his colleagues in government. "A keynote," has called Prodi's spokesman Silvio Sircana that a break in the first day of the conclave of the Government of the Union. "Indications are difficult seven months," said Economy Minister to colleagues in the government which has gone a warning to keep tight control on expenses. The timetable for the executive on the economic front it is now clear: the first move was intended to address the act of expenditure restraint and respect for the 2006 budget passed last week. We will continue with the transaction data-truth on the budget that will be announced tomorrow on the eve of Ecofin as had expected. No indiscretion on double-digit deficit-GDP ratio this year who continue to dance between 4.2 'technical' from 4.5 to 4.8 and the "political", that is also considering the need to maintain open yards Anas and Railways. Will continue with the budget document (Document of economic and financial) and then enters into the heart of the 2007 budget. And the budget measure? Although it now seems obvious the government line is to be conditional upon completion of due diligence and negotiations with Brussels. In the conclave, Sircana said, "if they have not spoken." "Seven months will be difficult, 'he said Padoa-Schioppa, the fiscal position is' very serious'. Economy Minister was particularly concerned about the performance of local government expenditure: "In this area of \u200b\u200bpublic expenditure could spin out of control," he said with concern. "All levels of spending by municipalities to the regions, should have greater control of costs, "Padoa-Schioppa warned, calling on ministers to also take into account the dynamics of health spending and staff. The rigor of the rest, the minister emphasized, "is a condition of social equity." The first recipes of emergency already looming: Padoa-Schioppa has the repeated, retracing some of the steps of his report to the Council of Ministers held last week. They are called "constraints on new hiring," containment of waste, from the advice to the blue car, detailed technical reports for each measure of expenditure. The tone of the Minister of Economy has become more severe when he made reference to Europe. He recalled that Italy was in July 2005 under the excessive deficit procedure and that "the commitments made by the previous government must be maintained." Words that suggest that the Minister does not seem inclined to ask for discounts or extensions. Requests for which have made it clear the Commission President Barroso and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Almunia, there would be large audience in Brussels.
(from the Republic)
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