can a man who lives in a dramatic and tragic world, a world that threatens to collapse with a crash every day, spurred by heavy rains and drought idiotic, exploding into frenzied dances of joy, sabar and powerful drums, that grows with spirits and jinn and all sorts of forces and power in casual living with gris gris and magic, a land of extreme heat, vast oceans governed by capricious gods and beautiful, bustling cities and food Hot, a world inevitable that every day, despite everything, will be seeking immutable, fixed and not at all inclined to a slightest change: può quest’uomo prendere sul serio quello che avviene al di là del mare, dove i cambiamenti sono più rapidi e la natura umana più facilmente leggibile, dove per le piogge bastano aplomb e un paio di stivali di gomma, e per i tradimenti si volta pagina, ça va sans dire, senza rimpianti?
qualche tempo fa mi hanno raccontato una favola, oggi la racconto a voi, anche se il finale, potete ben capire, non mi convince del tutto.
c’erano una volta un principe e una principessa.
i due parlavano lingue diverse, lei faceva parte del regno dei ragni, lui di quello delle farfalle.
fell in love, he loved her long legs and a number of supple, she loved her sensitive antennae and its large colorful wings.
he was intrigued by the soil moist and fertile realm of spiders and wanted to be part of it at least in part.
plane she was curious and surprising realm of butterflies and wanted to be part of it at least in part.
fell in love in an enchanted silence, quietly got married and everyone thought, including two of them, that this silence meant an understanding to a deeper level, that needed no amplification.
quietly built the Their house, a long and wide tunnel dug into the trunk of the tree top, with lots of windows where he could explain his wings, colorful, soft and protected niches intangible cobweb lace, where you will find their little love.
were happy, they trusted each other in silence.
he, quietly and without guilt, began to fly further afield, attracted by the sounds of his magical world of butterflies and driven by the nature of insect that flies, and she scared and dumb that the only language used knew and began to spin sticky webs encrusted succulent leaves and insects in the foolish attempt to detain him e trattenersi.
durò poco.
in silenzio si separarono, lei si arrese davanti alle forze magiche che non poteva combattere, lui si arrese di fronte allo spavento della tela tessuta, sempre in silenzio, senza pensare che lui avrebbe potuto insegnare a lei a gioire del suo volo, e se lei avrebbe potuto insegnare a lui a godere del calore benefico delle ragnatele che si dice siano molto efficaci per i dolori alle ossa: lei se ne andò piano, sulle sue lunghe zampe flessuose, voltandosi indietro alcune volte, ma lui era già volato molto in alto.
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