Monday, November 22, 2010

Granny Flat Floor Plans

my Tabaska, the year 2010

Eid el-Adha, the feast of sacrifice or a big party, celebrating the choice of man's submission to Allah and is a celebration of joy and joy, new clothes, plenty of food, gifts, coins to children who pass from door to door to proudly display hairstyles, new shoes and gold embroidery.

Allah wants to make a covenant with Abraham, to check his faith and to guarantee a dynasty that will live all over the world will be blessed, bringing the faith of Abraham all nations: to give proof of his faith in Allah, Abraham agreed to obey a command to sacrifice his son on the day and the place which is indicated.
Abraham passes the test, his faith is strong, but could not be, could have refused to sacrifice that son, the only legitimate heir was from Sarah who got pregnant in very advanced age, and only thanks to divine intervention, would could protect him, not trusting God to give his life and Ishmael, the illegitimate son, his offspring.
The risk is of man and of God who gave man freedom of choice. To have faith means to consider
Allah is reliable, believe that He will keep its commitments and will honor its obligations.
It 's a free account.
E 'freedom of choice which is celebrated every year on this holiday.

Tabaska I celebrated this year in Senegal, home of my husband, in St. Louis.

After praying in the mosque, in the morning, it makes the sacrifice, killing a sheep with the excision of the jugular and making the blood flow into a pit dug on purpose.
It 'a very strong, for a moment the air becomes rarefied, breathing stops you in your throat, takes a moment, then everything returns to normal, death came and went and this time it was not taken away this time Isaac and reaffirmed the mutual respect that exists between God and Man.

My husband almost did not say a word, his compassion for the ram white, big and strong, taking the balance from his hands, was in his muscles tense, heart pounding, and oppression of the previous minutes hours later, in silence and respect for the animal that died to feed the covenant between a man and his god.
I learned it in less than a minute, a view of life and the simple faith and unwavering: he does not know, but it taught me to be strong.

The Tabaska is not only what we see here, are used to seeing the meat and the animals as two separate things (one counter in the supermarket and other documentaries), it is a feast of blood, a celebration of power riddled with excessive spending and superficial rituals of conservatives, in the worst tradition of waste.
see in others only what we are able to live ourselves. The
Tabaska this is also a celebration of consumerism just as our modern Christmas waste of money, debts, need to make major gifts through mock important.
But as Christmas, Tabaska is also more.

Tabaska The home of my husband was a quiet celebration of money if they are spent, the right ones to celebrate the rite and to give satisfaction to the boys wearing their new white dresses and embroidered Moroccan slippers and if I went around the neighborhood like two cockerels plucked.
My mother-in-law and my sister in law, Baba and the guys worked all day, however, working together in the ritual, the skinning, preparing and cooking meat, then in itself, for the days to come and for the poor that are donated in part.
They worked almost in silence, until, towards evening, washed with a shower from fatigue, dust, a sense of wonder, and clothes with new clothes, did not start the round of greetings and good wishes.
Ball but akk
Ball nala
Yallah Yalla na Ñu Boole ball
I ask your forgiveness and I ask forgiveness from you.
May Allah forgive us all.

The men around the neighborhood and the women at home to receive relatives and children coming in around the houses.
It's hot, made hot all day but when he started the round of greetings and refreshing is the dusk, the moon is not full, but it shines bright.
A handshake, a look at this curious Toubab intimidated dressed in green on the leather sofa in the living room, proudly explained, "is the wife of Babacar", best wishes to rhyme like water flowing over the pebbles, while others wish the owner home and take the road of the district.
I was expecting fireworks, sabar all night, all calls from the minaret, the vulgarity of the typical traditional festivals everywhere: there is only a moment, brief but intense, joyful explosion of trading of calls sounds pavoneggianti performances.

The day celebrated a sacrifice, alliance, in silence, with respect, in peace, making the link balance in a family reunited after years of absence and a new little family that was celebrating its first new Tabaska.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How Much Is A Barbara Weber Painting Worth

married in San Marino

a good alternative for those without a residence permit

marriage celebrated at the City of the Republic of San Marino is often the only alternative for those who wish to marry their partner italian @, and can not do that because with the entry into force of the security package in August 2009, those without a permit di soggiorno non può accedere agli atti amministrativi (tra cui, il matrimonio).
Il Comune della Repubblica di San Marino accetta di celebrare i matrimoni e poi ne trasmette l’atto al Comune italiano di residenza del partner italian@, perchè sia registrato; la stessa cosa farebbe un qualunque altro Stato estero: in questo caso c'è qualche facilitazione in più rispetto alla presenza sul suo territorio di chi non è in possesso di permesso di soggiorno.

ecco come si fa:
è necessario un atto notarile che precede la richiesta di pubblicazioni e di matrimonio.
il primo si fa presso un notaio , the second is made at the offices of the Civil State of the City (by July 28, Borgo Maggiore, San Marino 0584-882080)
four witnesses are required Italians, who must necessarily be present at the time of the deed, only two of them are required on the wedding day

after publishing, you can celebrate the wedding date is fixed in about 30 days.

is recommended for those who live far from San Marino, to set the deed in the early morning (8:30) so that you can also go to the City for publications in the morning.
any sleep a Rimini la notte prima (meno cara di San Marino) .

la registrazione del matrimonio presso il Comune italiano di residenza viene fatta direttamente dal Comune di San Marino

all’avvenuta registrazione, è possibile andare alla Questura di riferimento, con la copia dell’atto di matrimonio e i documenti di identità dei coniugi, per chiedere il permesso di soggiorno.

documentazione necessaria:
per l@ spos@ priv@ di permesso di soggiorno:
  • passaporto valido
  • certificato di free state and birth certificate, issued by the city in the country of origin, translated and stamped by the consulate of Italy (1 week) and legalized by the Prefecture (1 week)
for italian @ @ @ SPOS:
  • identity card
  • birth certificate issued by the city of birth,
  • certificate of single status, residence certificate, citizenship certificate, issued by the municipality of residence
for the 4 witnesses
  • identity card
the deed costs about 250 €
a very simple wedding held during the week costs approx. € 300, if you want to have the big room it costs approx. 500, if you want to do in the great hall on Saturday it costs approx. 800.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Milan, Italie

Mr.Nani du Galsen

Nani, you ne sais pas Milan?
C'est ici et je veut ou j'abite you show photos. I have taken
thinking of you, a rainy day not too far.
Well, now you too will think of me in my city.

Piazza Cadorna

Park San Siro, near Milan or FC plays

Old Harbour where we will play the djembe on Sundays during the summer

Corso Buenos Aires - this is where I work

is called the Red Church

Piazza del Duomo, center

Park Fountain Castle

have you seen? is not that much rain in Senegal!

the Metro (this is where I met your uncle, the first time we went out ensamble:)))

il Duomo, the church's most famous

Brera district

Bicocca area, have just been completed for the new University

Sempione Park, the Park Chateau

Garibaldi area, the new executioner of the Region

Central Station

tram from 1800

via Angera left home ...!

Via Melchiorre Gioia

Viale Monza and Piazzale Loreto

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cm Before Missed Period

letter to the candidate to reconcile the irreconcilable Pisapia immigration

Giuliano Pisapia

Milan October 25 - "Last night I received a great enrichment meeting with the ethnic communities in Milan "- Giuliano Pisapia said -" I was able to address their concerns, issues that are daily called to live in our city.
Da Mayor, I intend to build, in cooperation with state authorities, a solution for the handling of cases of renewal of residence permit as a collection using the municipal offices both central and decentralized. We must avoid a repetition of scenes unworthy of a civilized country, hundreds of people lined up overnight in front of police stations or post offices. It should be a door for reception of aliens from orient the various departments of our national and local bureaucracy. "
The City could - as a public facilitator - encouraging the purchase of air tickets at preferential rates to support family reunification.
The Look of the Strangers, are important in promoting body acceptance and listening and that the council Moratti has never had a fully operational, it must be revitalized, with a view of the right to vote in areas - changing the Constitution - on hold of a national law on the vote in local elections. "

The mayoral candidate of the left for the primaries in Milan, Giuliano Pisapia, is certainly a reputable and honest person, is a hope for change for many, embodies the face of that kind and practical policy that is missing for some time: is a person of quality.
But now facing the immigration issue as if he lived and had always lived in a glass bubble, and this surprises me.

been years (anni!) and outside the police headquarters in Milan and the Post Office there are no more the terrible code and referred to: the applications are years that are sent on-line, "comfortably" at home and that "great! from home, the wait is two to three years before they actually have a residence permit, ten to twelve months before you have an appointment to apply to join the family then takes another two to three years to actually be licensed and reside in Italy ....
Competence is to police headquarters and prefectures, namely the Ministry of Interior, the municipality may undertake, in cooperation with other municipalities, provinces, regions, to holding, but emergencies but that can and must address and resolve its territory, are others.

promises to open new branches as local does not resolve remains the responsibility of others, and sounds a lot like the usual tissue - why not use those funds to support the points already exist, voluntary associations and who are struggling just to survive and not suffer for lack of personal jurisdiction?

centers are needed day and night, the first and second reception for asylum seekers and holders of humanitarian protection, victims of torture and war, are projects of psychological support, job training, learn real language.
We need inclusion projects involving the Roma families.
serves a different outlook on unaccompanied minors.
Does it have to be registered is accepted even during the first permit.
We need childcare for working mothers.
employment assistance services are needed who have real contacts with the business community and represent a real tool for those who are unemployed.
Servono progetti di riqualificazione sociale nei quartieri, a favore dei ragazzi, dei bambini, degli adolescenti a rischio.
Servono forti incentivi alle piccole imprese.
Servono centri di aggregazione.
Servono mediatori culturali nelle scuole.
Servono luoghi di preghiera.
Servono centri culturali.
Serve il diritto di voto!

Serve che il Comune non veda allo straniero solo come a uno foreign, different and otherwise handle: the real inclusion passes for policies that do not criminalize, which does not discriminate, which are for all and put all on the same level of need.
At least two-thirds of what I listed above is not just immigrants.
I am surprised to read of consultations are not binding on anyone, subsidized air tickets in high season! This discrimination is completely ineffective feel-good, but you really think that is enough to promise two glass beads to convince the people of Milan (who can vote) that Mr. Pisapia is serious about immigration matters?

The Milanese, thanks to years of right-wing policies and Lega and thanks to Berlusconi, certainly have a problem with the perception of immigration, but I hope they are still smart enough to feel offended in front of the proposal a trip facilitated in response to requests from the families.

Lawyer Pisapia, tell us something better, please.

Cristina Sebastiani

Monday, November 1, 2010

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# 2

can a man who lives in a dramatic and tragic world, a world that threatens to collapse with a crash every day, spurred by heavy rains and drought idiotic, exploding into frenzied dances of joy, sabar and powerful drums, that grows with spirits and jinn and all sorts of forces and power in casual living with gris gris and magic, a land of extreme heat, vast oceans governed by capricious gods and beautiful, bustling cities and food Hot, a world inevitable that every day, despite everything, will be seeking immutable, fixed and not at all inclined to a slightest change: può quest’uomo prendere sul serio quello che avviene al di là del mare, dove i cambiamenti sono più rapidi e la natura umana più facilmente leggibile, dove per le piogge bastano aplomb e un paio di stivali di gomma, e per i tradimenti si volta pagina, ça va sans dire, senza rimpianti?
qualche tempo fa mi hanno raccontato una favola, oggi la racconto a voi, anche se il finale, potete ben capire, non mi convince del tutto.

c’erano una volta un principe e una principessa.
i due parlavano lingue diverse, lei faceva parte del regno dei ragni, lui di quello delle farfalle.
fell in love, he loved her long legs and a number of supple, she loved her sensitive antennae and its large colorful wings.
he was intrigued by the soil moist and fertile realm of spiders and wanted to be part of it at least in part.
plane she was curious and surprising realm of butterflies and wanted to be part of it at least in part.
fell in love in an enchanted silence, quietly got married and everyone thought, including two of them, that this silence meant an understanding to a deeper level, that needed no amplification.
quietly built the Their house, a long and wide tunnel dug into the trunk of the tree top, with lots of windows where he could explain his wings, colorful, soft and protected niches intangible cobweb lace, where you will find their little love.
were happy, they trusted each other in silence.
he, quietly and without guilt, began to fly further afield, attracted by the sounds of his magical world of butterflies and driven by the nature of insect that flies, and she scared and dumb that the only language used knew and began to spin sticky webs encrusted succulent leaves and insects in the foolish attempt to detain him e trattenersi.
durò poco.
in silenzio si separarono, lei si arrese davanti alle forze magiche che non poteva combattere, lui si arrese di fronte allo spavento della tela tessuta, sempre in silenzio, senza pensare che lui avrebbe potuto insegnare a lei a gioire del suo volo, e se lei avrebbe potuto insegnare a lui a godere del calore benefico delle ragnatele che si dice siano molto efficaci per i dolori alle ossa: lei se ne andò piano, sulle sue lunghe zampe flessuose, voltandosi indietro alcune volte, ma lui era già volato molto in alto.