'm going to do the same thing ... just you watch the first 50 seconds to figure out what ...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Keral Airtel Mobile Number Directory
It 's amazing how that one goes in looking for someone to love the time changes so radically.
Parties by physical beauty then .. continui col carattere..si questo te lo spiegano a scuola...
Ma quando anche il carattere non è sufficiente? quello che sono arrivata a capire è che quello che si cerca è un "guardare nella stessa direzione" il che è tanto difficile da trovare...ma realizza in pieno.
Si cerca una persona che veda il suo futuro come lo vedi tu...
Non intendo essere d'accordo su ogni piccola cosa..ma nella grandezza della vita secondo me è giusto condividerla con chi sa guardarla come lo fai tu, sta al mondo come ci stai tu, vede lo scopo della vita come lo vedi tu...
Viaggiare insieme, non trascinarsi l'uno con l'altro...questo è quello che penso...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Enounce Myspeed Seriennummer
ogni tanto rifletto anche io...
Oggi il tempo rispecchia esattamente il mio umore...veramente lo rispecchia da quando ha cominciato a piovere insistentemente...
Sono molto delusa.
Direi che può bastare...le cose vanno anche bene ma quando arriva Natale e inizi a fare un bilancio delle persone che ti circondano e dell'anno passato ti chiedi quanto tempo hai sprecato, e quante cose avresti potuto fare...
ti chiedi con chi avresti potuto condividere certi momenti e ti rendi conto delle scelte sbagliate...delle persone giuste e di quelle sbagliate...un'infinità di amarezza insomma...
Poi come se non bastasse arrivano anche le delusioni reali...il mio cercare di mettermi comunque in gioco viene sempre smorzato da qualche parte...ma chi me lo fa fare????basta enough ... I'm officially on strike (or forced leave) from it all:
from now on will only exist for me what I want to do and what will make me feel good!!
selfish thought, but I adapted to what I see around me!
most likely will change, but do not ask more because they are bad lately ...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ottawa Rowboat For Sale
La perla del giorno
But I'm missing something. Do you remember? It always has been, I feel like breathing to life. I feel like I'm missing if I had already belonged to me and someone took her via. Ma non so esattamente cos'è. C'è chi cerca l'altra metà della mela, io sto cercando ancora la mia mezza. Sono uno spicchio di me stesso .
(Fabio Volo)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Idaho Drivers License Template
Quanti ricordi...
Quanti ricordi....
Non so come mi sia venuto in mente di ascoltare questa canzone, forse perchè Stefano mi aveva proposto di cantarla al karaoke....ma cavoli...mi ha fatto fare un tuffo indietro al lontano 2004...che anno ragazzi...(la Giulia direbbe che è stat l'Anno with a capital ...)
Eh ok, but you grow you change ... and luckily too!!
Quanti ricordi....
Non so come mi sia venuto in mente di ascoltare questa canzone, forse perchè Stefano mi aveva proposto di cantarla al karaoke....ma cavoli...mi ha fatto fare un tuffo indietro al lontano 2004...che anno ragazzi...(la Giulia direbbe che è stat l'Anno with a capital ...)
Eh ok, but you grow you change ... and luckily too!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Radeon 9000 Agp (0x5962)
La miss numero 55.....neurone solitario!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Good Effect Of Sweet Food

someone must be sought in what happened to the last few months eh?
here's the answer ... well, I was only 20 days away, but it was still experience of those not to be forgotten!
promise I will take up to manage the blog a bit 'better:) well ...
was holiday for me, no??
good return for all and good for school again!

Friday, May 23, 2008
Sanyo Xacti Flip Ultrahd
canzone del momento!...insomma...
and I like it ... and is about a week that the tape hum ...
Grande Lucio! :)
When you fixed with a song ....
There is no reason, I have not found anyone in bed with another (given that this is the meaning of the song .. fe true?) And no no hidden meaning!
and I like it ... and is about a week that the tape hum ...
Grande Lucio! :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Italian Leather Camera Bag
una bel testo...da leggere e meditare!
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
never mind.
The power of beauty and youth will understand once dried.
But trust me, in twenty years you'll look back at photos.
And in a way you can not imagine now.
how much possibility lay before you and that fabulous you really looked Not
eri per niente grasso come ti sembrava.
Non preoccuparti del futuro.
Oppure preoccupati, ma sapendo che questo ti aiuta quanto masticare un chewing-gum per risolvere un’equazione algebrica.
I veri problemi della vita saranno sicuramente cose che non ti erano mai passate per la mente.
Di quelle che ti pigliano di sorpresa alla quattro di un pigro martedì pomeriggio.
Fa’ una cosa, quando sei spaventato.
Non essere crudele col cuore degli altri.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
never mind.
The power of beauty and youth will understand once dried.
But trust me, in twenty years you'll look back at photos.
And in a way you can not imagine now.
how much possibility lay before you and that fabulous you really looked Not
eri per niente grasso come ti sembrava.
Non preoccuparti del futuro.
Oppure preoccupati, ma sapendo che questo ti aiuta quanto masticare un chewing-gum per risolvere un’equazione algebrica.
I veri problemi della vita saranno sicuramente cose che non ti erano mai passate per la mente.
Di quelle che ti pigliano di sorpresa alla quattro di un pigro martedì pomeriggio.
Fa’ una cosa, quando sei spaventato.
Non essere crudele col cuore degli altri.
Non tollerare chi è crudele col tuo.
Lavati i denti.
Non perder tempo con l’invidia. A volte sei in testa. A volte resti indietro.
La corsa è lunga e alla end only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults.
If you can tell me how to do it.
Keep your love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Do not feel guilty if you do not know what to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know, at twenty-two did not know what to do with their lives. The most interesting forty
I know still do not know.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe not. You may have children or maybe not. Maybe you'll divorce at forty. Perhaps
dance with her at the seventy-fifth anniversary of marriage.
Whatever you do, do not congratulate yourself too much, but do not berate yourself either.
Your choices are half chance. Like those of anyone else.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can.
Without fear and without fear of what people think.
It 's the greatest instrument you'll ever have.
Although you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you do not follow.
Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone forever.
Be nice to your siblings.
're your best link with the past and the ones most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go.
But some, the most valuable, will remain.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the more you get old, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York for a while ', but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in California for a while ', but leave before it makes you soft.
Do not mess with your hair, if not when you're forty years it will look eighty-five.
Be careful whose advice, but be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia.
Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from oblivion, wiping it off, move the paint over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it is worth. But
accepts the advice ... this time.
Lavati i denti.
Non perder tempo con l’invidia. A volte sei in testa. A volte resti indietro.
La corsa è lunga e alla end only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults.
If you can tell me how to do it.
Keep your love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Do not feel guilty if you do not know what to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know, at twenty-two did not know what to do with their lives. The most interesting forty
I know still do not know.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe not. You may have children or maybe not. Maybe you'll divorce at forty. Perhaps
dance with her at the seventy-fifth anniversary of marriage.
Whatever you do, do not congratulate yourself too much, but do not berate yourself either.
Your choices are half chance. Like those of anyone else.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can.
Without fear and without fear of what people think.
It 's the greatest instrument you'll ever have.
Although you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you do not follow.
Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone forever.
Be nice to your siblings.
're your best link with the past and the ones most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go.
But some, the most valuable, will remain.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the more you get old, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York for a while ', but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in California for a while ', but leave before it makes you soft.
Do not mess with your hair, if not when you're forty years it will look eighty-five.
Be careful whose advice, but be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia.
Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from oblivion, wiping it off, move the paint over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it is worth. But
accepts the advice ... this time.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Dvd Player Dts Optical
The other day I was driving and I was heading to training in the queue ... as always ... and the radio begins to chatter about things silly, strange news and bla bla blah!
This struck me more than others and you explain it!
We talk about BACIOTERAPIA : correct ... it seems that in addition to the psychological well-being which will significantly benefit, (and if it does not follow, well, you have a problem!) the kiss has other consequences and brings benefits to people. It seems therefore that:
The other day I was driving and I was heading to training in the queue ... as always ... and the radio begins to chatter about things silly, strange news and bla bla blah!
This struck me more than others and you explain it!
We talk about BACIOTERAPIA : correct ... it seems that in addition to the psychological well-being which will significantly benefit, (and if it does not follow, well, you have a problem!) the kiss has other consequences and brings benefits to people. It seems therefore that:
- you burn 6 cal per minute (and oh well ...)
- increases self-esteem (mmmmh. ..)
- free respiratory system (I have to say that 'I observed!)
- tones the face (ie, women, do not buy creams!)
- and decrease cholesterol (!!!)
Yes, I know, are things that leave time that they find ... but it was so ridereee: D
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Public Transport To Annangrove
chi sa di non sapere...
When little revelations ti sconvolgono le giornate...
Ad esempio ieri la mia amata amica Fede mi ha aperto un mondo...
Ma...perchè nessuno mi ha mai detto che il riso e il risotto sono diversi????cioè...dai...non è possibile...sapevate tutti quanti che la differenza sta nel fatto che il primo si cucina nell'acqua mentre il secondo nel brodo??!!??!!
Sono ancora sconvolta!!
A dirla tutta pensavo che il riso fosse la materia prima e tutto il resto fosse risotto!(ovvero una volta cotto diventa tutto risotto!).
Si vede che non vado pazza per il riso(tto)! :-)
ps: cara Fe, grazie!
When little revelations ti sconvolgono le giornate...
Ad esempio ieri la mia amata amica Fede mi ha aperto un mondo...
Ma...perchè nessuno mi ha mai detto che il riso e il risotto sono diversi????cioè...dai...non è possibile...sapevate tutti quanti che la differenza sta nel fatto che il primo si cucina nell'acqua mentre il secondo nel brodo??!!??!!
Sono ancora sconvolta!!
A dirla tutta pensavo che il riso fosse la materia prima e tutto il resto fosse risotto!(ovvero una volta cotto diventa tutto risotto!).
Si vede che non vado pazza per il riso(tto)! :-)
ps: cara Fe, grazie!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Fox Racing Iphone Wallpaper
Tanti tanti auguroni di buona Pasqua a todo el mundo!
a tutti i fanssss del mio blog, e a chi non ci è mai entrato...
a tutta la mia famiglia...
a tutti i miei amici, alle pingue, ai soci e a tutti gli altri che se dovessi citarli faremmo notte!

Friday, March 14, 2008
Fixing Polystyrene Coving
L'amore trionfa more ...
No. .. not always.
not true!
The only sure thing is that when triumphant, and it's true love, remove all the times you've suffered.
I know that now diminishes catarticità word before, but after seeing men and women today have to admit that something has taken me inside ...
see scenes like this one today does not happen every day (and if you're thinking that actors are, well, then, let me give him an Oscar !)...
certainly happens in reality even better ...
I just want to wait for this better come! For me and everyone else!
L'amore trionfa more ...
No. .. not always.
not true!
The only sure thing is that when triumphant, and it's true love, remove all the times you've suffered.
I know that now diminishes catarticità word before, but after seeing men and women today have to admit that something has taken me inside ...
see scenes like this one today does not happen every day (and if you're thinking that actors are, well, then, let me give him an Oscar !)...
certainly happens in reality even better ...
I just want to wait for this better come! For me and everyone else!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Can Herpes Spread To Your Abdomen
c'è chi dice che...
Do not allow your fears to make you bitch!
(the Land of Women)
Because no matter where you run, you're going to always run into yourself
(Breakfast at Tiffany's)
- where you going?
-With a little luck, more ...
're going to always run into yourself
(Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Jack: "Where do you want the ports miss?"
Rose: "On a star!"
People who dream at night, you should call in the morning ... life would be easier
(lovers of pont-neuf )
I love the fact that, after spending a day with you, can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love the fact that you're the last person you want to talk about before falling asleep at night. It's not that I feel alone, and nothing to do with the fact that New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life begins as soon as possible
(When Harry Met Sally)
there are no coincidences
(the Walk)
forced me to hate him because I could admit that there .
(end of a story)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Points Licence Speeding France
depressione nell'aria
It will be very dull day ... it will be right in that things are not very good for people ... it will be that half of the people that go out are not through good times ... it will be that I am not at all well between fluctuating fever and colds ... it will be permanent, however, that even yours truly start to think about many things ...
then the result is a feeling of tiredness, sadness, depression and general sadness today!
So knowing me it is very likely that this is the beginning of a period of thoughts, reflections and voluntary solitude ... sorry if I shall shut, but I think we all know how they are made in some ways ...
say that I am losing a little 'sense of things ... all things ...
Mah ..
It will be very dull day ... it will be right in that things are not very good for people ... it will be that half of the people that go out are not through good times ... it will be that I am not at all well between fluctuating fever and colds ... it will be permanent, however, that even yours truly start to think about many things ...
then the result is a feeling of tiredness, sadness, depression and general sadness today!
So knowing me it is very likely that this is the beginning of a period of thoughts, reflections and voluntary solitude ... sorry if I shall shut, but I think we all know how they are made in some ways ...
say that I am losing a little 'sense of things ... all things ...
"... and come to ask if my life I've ever truly belonged ..."
Mah ..
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Brazilian Song Ba Ba Ba Ba
know it's a bit 'late, but my slowness and my infinite laziness without limit ... but what I'm saying? I just forgot, I admit it! Here, I first put this beautiful photos, but they are stupid ... so I put it just now:
thanks amiciiiii due to fat and there were a thousand other thousand people who came to populate this great party and made sure that was so good! After the official thanks
step to consider the evening:
know it's a bit 'late, but my slowness and my infinite laziness without limit ... but what I'm saying? I just forgot, I admit it! Here, I first put this beautiful photos, but they are stupid ... so I put it just now:
thanks amiciiiii due to fat and there were a thousand other thousand people who came to populate this great party and made sure that was so good! After the official thanks
step to consider the evening:
- is the glob and they pulled ale parcel BUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!
- me and the faith we have again demonstrated our prowess in hand: it will be our future! (!?!?)
- 've managed to break (do not know how!) Of handcuffs ross ross ... sorry on behalf of
- you did not flooded any bathroom: ALIVE!
- paul and there were random and quite accidentally exchanged a sweet basin (in uncontrollable laughter of the young who could not believe I saw a scene so funny!)
- faith gave me back a bag of potato chips ... but not how many peanuts I made to you and I dade!
- the faith and you've ... well ... the more that faith ... but faith ... well ... I can not express! Compliments left me breathless!!
- last of the young man appeared at the door: a guy dressed stranger Che Guevara!
- also signed and has spent good, good, evening !!!!!!!!!( QUOTE OF DUCKS AND MIA! NOT YOUR I wish to underline that will not go around saying it's YOUR FLOUR BAG !!!!!)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
What Happened To I Deep Throat.com
domanda del secolo!
.... but the difference between a duck a duck and what??
.... but the difference between a duck a duck and what??
..... especially how it is made a duck? Have you ever seen one?
in case the answer is negative for you as for me and my other friends, then perhaps the existence of the ducks is challenging as that of baby pigeon !!!!!
this is what gives google images under duck:

while, I'll be silly, but wikipedia denies the existence of a duck as a pet ... except in the comic rat ...
So what is the truth?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How To Get Rid Of Polyps In Gallbladder By Diet

This post is advertising a book cher I bought the other day ... and he bought a book for me is so much already!:)
I said ... this book is titled: " 101 ways to recognize your prince charming (without having to kiss all the frogs) "
The title in itself is phenomenal ... cmq, women, and I bought when I finished ... I'll see you soon! laugh too!
despite the many negative reviews, I pose for the author, because, in my opinion is well written this book! and it shows that he was particularly motivated!
and then ... let's face it ... we girls like to empathize with the stories of love ... if he tells you what are the small ill-fated love you even more fun!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Server Motor Ne Kadar
THERE ARE NO WORDS ARE MORE !!!!! 'furious ... THAT ARE BLACK !!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me trivialization MY BLOG, WHY 'A NICE SOUND
THERE ARE NO WORDS ARE MORE !!!!! 'furious ... THAT ARE BLACK !!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me trivialization MY BLOG, WHY 'A NICE SOUND
E' too little!
Personally, I CAN ALSO DIE!
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