Electoral fraud and democracy
Clinton Curtis è il programmatore di computers americano che truccò il programma digitale per conteggiare i voti delle elezioni in Florida nel 2000: vedi il filmato della sua deposizione alla Commissione Parlamentare, cliccando qui
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Clearing Airlock Underfloor Heating
Saranno presentati alla metà di dicembre i provvedimenti del Governo per combattere il fenomeno del bullismo nelle scuole. Lo ha ribadito oggi il ministro della Pubblica Istruzione, Giuseppe Fioroni, intervenendo at a conference organized by Margaret, in Erba (Como).
Fioroni said the measures will be taken based on the conclusions of the work of the panel, and that it will be a 'crack down' on what he thinks the real causes of the phenomenon, namely video games, internet and television areas which lack any regulatory authority. "The school can not replace the family," he also said Fioroni. "There are video games - has taken - which beat the girls. Now the boys live in a kind of reality show, and violence arise because the boys are replicants. " The minister reiterated that will be also organized training courses for teachers, but the issue must be resolved upstream, back to the causes of the phenomenon.
Fioroni also stated that will not make a move to ban the use of mobile phones in the classroom, required by many: "It seems crazy that in a civilized country, the minister must make a move to make it clear that while a teacher says we should not call or use a video game. "
(from margheritaonline)
Fioroni said the measures will be taken based on the conclusions of the work of the panel, and that it will be a 'crack down' on what he thinks the real causes of the phenomenon, namely video games, internet and television areas which lack any regulatory authority. "The school can not replace the family," he also said Fioroni. "There are video games - has taken - which beat the girls. Now the boys live in a kind of reality show, and violence arise because the boys are replicants. " The minister reiterated that will be also organized training courses for teachers, but the issue must be resolved upstream, back to the causes of the phenomenon.
Fioroni also stated that will not make a move to ban the use of mobile phones in the classroom, required by many: "It seems crazy that in a civilized country, the minister must make a move to make it clear that while a teacher says we should not call or use a video game. "
(from margheritaonline)
How To Bake With Silicone Cupcake Molds
Young el 'alcohol
Why do young people get drunk?
There are various reasons: lack of ideals, lack of affection, desire to overcome, getting high, the inadequacies of 'age, the desire to somehow get in the middle of' attention, debolezza di carattere, il tentativo di sfuggire alle asprezze della vita. Ma anche la voglia di ridere e divertirsi in qualche modo; la ricerca del piacere momentaneo, se non della felicità, così difficile da raggiungere; il desiderio di stare più facilmente con gli altri o con qualche ragazza, che non si ha il coraggio di corteggiare.
Tanti motivi e tutti validi come si vede.
Però..c'è un però. Vale la pena di stare male fino a vomitare? Cosa c'è di bello e sano nell' ubriacarsi? Si ottiene veramente un benessere dall' alcool? O non si ottiene piuttosto un annebbiamento temporaneo e parziale dei problemi?
Come tutte le sostanze che fanno sballare, anche l' alcool non è un rimedio, ma un modo not to think and to escape problems.
those seeking serenity and well-being, has to face the problems and seek a solution within themselves. It may seem difficult and it takes time to understand it, but it is the 'only way to live well, since we are always at the end if we choose to live a good life or bad, and it is usually best to live well than to live badly.
these discomforts youth is based on the buzz then organized in the premises before the bar in the center, which sells beer until the 'time to go to dance and the clubs, which sell everything from pills to the more or less a barrel, mix well to pounding techno music.
Not to mention the traffic accidents that occur at the back dallo sballo musicale e alcoolico della discoteca.
Di queste notti sballate siamo responsabili tutti: genitori che trascurano, professori che non educano, baristi non responsabili, gestori di locali da ballo che non controllano, autorità politiche che non pensano al futuro dei giovani.
Se i giovani meritano fiducia, dobbiamo dargliela.
Se i giovani non sanno trovare la strada, dobbiamo indicargliela noi.
Talvolta la strada non è facile, però forse un giorno i giovani si ricorderanno di noi.
There are various reasons: lack of ideals, lack of affection, desire to overcome, getting high, the inadequacies of 'age, the desire to somehow get in the middle of' attention, debolezza di carattere, il tentativo di sfuggire alle asprezze della vita. Ma anche la voglia di ridere e divertirsi in qualche modo; la ricerca del piacere momentaneo, se non della felicità, così difficile da raggiungere; il desiderio di stare più facilmente con gli altri o con qualche ragazza, che non si ha il coraggio di corteggiare.
Tanti motivi e tutti validi come si vede.
Però..c'è un però. Vale la pena di stare male fino a vomitare? Cosa c'è di bello e sano nell' ubriacarsi? Si ottiene veramente un benessere dall' alcool? O non si ottiene piuttosto un annebbiamento temporaneo e parziale dei problemi?
Come tutte le sostanze che fanno sballare, anche l' alcool non è un rimedio, ma un modo not to think and to escape problems.
those seeking serenity and well-being, has to face the problems and seek a solution within themselves. It may seem difficult and it takes time to understand it, but it is the 'only way to live well, since we are always at the end if we choose to live a good life or bad, and it is usually best to live well than to live badly.
these discomforts youth is based on the buzz then organized in the premises before the bar in the center, which sells beer until the 'time to go to dance and the clubs, which sell everything from pills to the more or less a barrel, mix well to pounding techno music.
Not to mention the traffic accidents that occur at the back dallo sballo musicale e alcoolico della discoteca.
Di queste notti sballate siamo responsabili tutti: genitori che trascurano, professori che non educano, baristi non responsabili, gestori di locali da ballo che non controllano, autorità politiche che non pensano al futuro dei giovani.
Se i giovani meritano fiducia, dobbiamo dargliela.
Se i giovani non sanno trovare la strada, dobbiamo indicargliela noi.
Talvolta la strada non è facile, però forse un giorno i giovani si ricorderanno di noi.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Window Xp Sp2 V 2002 Confirmation Id Us
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Bullet Katesplayground
Thursday, November 2, 2006
I Really Want A Shih Tzu
The blog is one year
Oggi è il primo compleanno di questo blog.
Infatti è già passato un anno dal primo post inserito nel novembre scorso.
Siamo sempre andati avanti, nella convinzione che questo potesse essere un mezzo nuovo e utile per tenersi vicini ai cittadini.
Buon compleanno al blog quindi e auguri a chi lo utilizzerà in futuro, sia come autore che come lettore di posts e commenti.
Oggi è il primo compleanno di questo blog.
Infatti è già passato un anno dal primo post inserito nel novembre scorso.
Siamo sempre andati avanti, nella convinzione che questo potesse essere un mezzo nuovo e utile per tenersi vicini ai cittadini.
Buon compleanno al blog quindi e auguri a chi lo utilizzerà in futuro, sia come autore che come lettore di posts e commenti.
Masterbate Rubber Glove
The money raised will go to the City finance public transport
Pedaggio per entrare in centro con l'auto
a Milano si comincia da febbraio
MILANO - Partirà dal prossimo 19 febbraio la prima sperimentazione italiana di "pollution charge", la tassa antinquinamento imposta a chi entra car in an urban center. A Milan will take the lead, including where to access the inside of the railway line will need to pay a toll of between two and ten euro. The measure, also announced and widely disputed by several categories, was officially introduced into the "mobility plan" delivered to the 2006-2011 city assessors with a lot of rates and regulation.
If Italy is the first, is not so abroad, where similar experiences have been successfully adopted in Oslo, London and Stockholm. Unlike other northern European cities, Milan has decided to introduce a rate proportional to the level of pollution of the vehicles that will be divided in 5 different classes.
one that will take them away on February 19 will be an initial pilot phase. The area on which town will be worth the ticket covers about 60 square kilometers, equivalent to 33% of the municipal area, and covers a population of 774 000 inhabitants, 59% of the total residents in the municipality of Milan. In this same area, so "limited" in the resident population, enter the other hand about 65% of the vehicles of non-residents.
With regard to resident and domiciled in Milan, will have the option to purchase an annual pass, a discounted rate of respectively 40, 100 and 200 € for vehicles in Class 3, 4 and 5. The time slot is envisaged between 7 and 18 of every weekday. From October 15 the "pollution charge" will apply to the scheme and increased, both in terms of the price categories of cars.
According to the municipality, the access control will be provided by "electronic portals with video systems approved for the license plate." Then "there will be no obstacles" to the traffic flow, "since there are no physical barriers" to the inputs. Initially it will buy the ticket in a manner similar to those currently used for parking. Then from October 15, 2007 you can use maps to scale, credit cards via the Internet, call center or ATM, or SMS (with direct debit amount on the calling card) or cash in outlets such as tobacconists.
The introduction of the tax, the commissioner said Edoardo Croci, "is a great opportunity to reduce traffic and reduce pollution by generating significant resources to be devoted to strengthening the financing of public transport and other measures of environmental policy."
(November 1, 2006)
(from the Republic)
Pedaggio per entrare in centro con l'auto
a Milano si comincia da febbraio
MILANO - Partirà dal prossimo 19 febbraio la prima sperimentazione italiana di "pollution charge", la tassa antinquinamento imposta a chi entra car in an urban center. A Milan will take the lead, including where to access the inside of the railway line will need to pay a toll of between two and ten euro. The measure, also announced and widely disputed by several categories, was officially introduced into the "mobility plan" delivered to the 2006-2011 city assessors with a lot of rates and regulation.
If Italy is the first, is not so abroad, where similar experiences have been successfully adopted in Oslo, London and Stockholm. Unlike other northern European cities, Milan has decided to introduce a rate proportional to the level of pollution of the vehicles that will be divided in 5 different classes.
one that will take them away on February 19 will be an initial pilot phase. The area on which town will be worth the ticket covers about 60 square kilometers, equivalent to 33% of the municipal area, and covers a population of 774 000 inhabitants, 59% of the total residents in the municipality of Milan. In this same area, so "limited" in the resident population, enter the other hand about 65% of the vehicles of non-residents.
With regard to resident and domiciled in Milan, will have the option to purchase an annual pass, a discounted rate of respectively 40, 100 and 200 € for vehicles in Class 3, 4 and 5. The time slot is envisaged between 7 and 18 of every weekday. From October 15 the "pollution charge" will apply to the scheme and increased, both in terms of the price categories of cars.
According to the municipality, the access control will be provided by "electronic portals with video systems approved for the license plate." Then "there will be no obstacles" to the traffic flow, "since there are no physical barriers" to the inputs. Initially it will buy the ticket in a manner similar to those currently used for parking. Then from October 15, 2007 you can use maps to scale, credit cards via the Internet, call center or ATM, or SMS (with direct debit amount on the calling card) or cash in outlets such as tobacconists.
The introduction of the tax, the commissioner said Edoardo Croci, "is a great opportunity to reduce traffic and reduce pollution by generating significant resources to be devoted to strengthening the financing of public transport and other measures of environmental policy."
(November 1, 2006)
(from the Republic)
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