The Association for the Democratic Party in South Tyrol
declared aim of the association is to contribute to the emergence of the Democratic Party in South Tyrol, facilitating the integration of the political center-left and presenting itself as a place of culture and theme that can attract and enhance the active participation of the 'society engaged 'in politics.
The association is independent of individual political parties and operates independently from all other entities with which it is however open to collaborations. 1
beliefs People who join the association share the belief that the model of autonomy that has been achieved in South Tyrol has great merit for the level of social peace which has contributed to the ability of self-government that has product for widespread economic prosperity that ensued, however, deem it necessary to introduce innovations to enhance socio-economic determinants of regional competitiveness and to meet old and new social needs, through the evolution of the model of autonomy in a vindictive and defensive model is inclusive, open and participatory. This requires a political act to overcome the fragmentation of the center-left political forces which, although different, they share the basic principles that unite the progressive forces in Europe.
Although not ethnically oriented, unilateral, primary task of the new political unit will be to recover, in a revival of the autonomy, the majority of citizens of the Italian group, made her skeptical about the real value from a ' effective and long-term work of exploitation by the right wing. A latter 's political action of the center-left must also respond by restoring the strong ties of a time with economic and professional categories of employment, associations. 2 The principles
is necessary to develop a cultural-political project based on principles that relate the intellectual stimulation of European reformism with the specific points of the province and on the principle of subsidiarity, on a less interventionist policy orientation and economic and center on the promotion of interculturalism and multilingualism; on a greater responsibility to private entities (individuals, families, associations), the inclusion of the weakest, in which socio-cultural resources on public and private sectors complement each other; on increasing human resources rather than on reproductive structures (which often creates duplication and micro-centers of power, self- ) on the centrality of socio-economic culture, research and universities, the social value of health care and schools, promoting quality and professionalism on streamlining bureaucracy and on modernizing public administration and the child support to the disabled; on reconciliation between the times working time and family members on enhancing the role of parenting, sharing family roles, gender equality in all spheres of social and working life, the revival of an ethical conception of political action, that puts consistency, transparency, honesty and interest in the pursuit of individual benefits or interest groups.
3 The role of the Association The Association shall be understood as a reference point for a 'open network' which promotes dialogue with mainstream political parties of individuals and groups willing to contribute their ideas and resources to the development of community, is a partner of the parties, both for comparison issues and proposals for the establishment of a path that could lead a compact aggregation of center-left politics in South Tyrol and in this sense is committed to promoting the aggregation of the parties of the center-left to the constitution of the Democratic Party in South Tyrol, a political entity that will finally be able to communicate unambiguously and cohesive with the SVP in defining the development of autonomy in the province of Bolzano.
The Association, without wishing in any way deny the role of individual center-left parties, intends to engage in this innovative project to see them interact more with other actors from civil society on the basis of shared principles.
The Association intends to provide its support in research, documentazione, divulgazione, formazione, organizzazione di convegni nell’ambito dello sviluppo territoriale e dell’autonomia, operando per aree di approfondimento secondo un approccio interdisciplinare con ampi interscambi di competenze e momenti di confronto.
(ricevuto da Elio Cirimbelli)